Tag Archive: Contributed Post

Colder Weather On The Way? Don’t Let That Deter Your Garden Use

Contributed Post Getting ready for fall means that leaves start to drop from our much-loved trees and plant in the garden, the air can feel a little cooler and crisp, and the opportunity to spend as much time outdoors begins to fade as does the lighter nights and brighter mornings. However, fall is such a beautiful time of year for the garden, and often the weather isn’t as bad as it could be. But yet we are more deterred from getting out doors the moment September starts and life starts to kick back into a normal routine. I wanted to tell you that there are still plenty of ways you can enjoy your back garden and the great outdoors, here are just a few to…
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What Goes Into Organising a National Election?

Contributed Post Somewhere in the world, national elections are held every year. For most countries, an election comes around every 4 or 5 years, sometimes sooner. It’s the time when power is handed to people, who can then choose who they want to represent them at the highest levels. Of course, democracy is always about debating and deciding which way forward is best for the people of a particular country. But what actually goes into an election? What are the most important pillars of an election? Read on to find out. Each Country Has Its Own Format There are so many different types of government and democracy out there. And if you’re interested in learning more about them, you should do some further research. There…
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EU Stability Issues Raise Concern After Brexit

Contributed Post People in the UK voted out of Europe in a recent referendum that has become the cause of much confusion around the world. Most experts claim the decision came out of fear, and that the British people just wanted to rebel against their government. Whatever the cause behind the vote, one thing is painfully clear; Brexit is having some terrible consequences for other countries inside the EU. At the moment, leaders have no idea how the UK will deal with the situation, and that is raising many stability concerns. Picture What are the reasons for Brexit? As mentioned a moment ago, the reasons for Brexit are somewhat unclear. However, many UK citizens claim they voted to leave Europe for the following benefits: Regaining…
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Getting A Word In At Work: Are You Being Overlooked?

We are all unique, and that’s what makes the world such a diverse and interesting place. When you’re at work, you may encounter a host of different personalities, and sometimes, you can find yourself in situations where you’re out of your depth, or you feel like you’re being overpowered by others. If you’re not a loud, outgoing person, it can be hard to get a word in, but don’t let this hold you back. If you’re keen to make your voice heard, here are some tips. Image by https://pixabay.com/en/photos/meeting/ Arrange smaller meetings If you find that you can’t get your message across or share your opinions in a room full of people, suggest arranging smaller meetings and getting together with groups of people separately. It’s…
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Finding New Sounds When You’re Tired Of Skipping The Same Old Songs

Contributed Post If you’re like most real music lovers, then you cherish the undoubtedly extensive playlists full of masterpieces you collected and curated throughout the years. Beyond tastes changing, however, it can be quite easy to find that you skip through your playlist more often than you let a song play through. When that happens, take it as a sign you need to start looking in different directions. Beyond organically discovering new artists, however, how do you find the fertile ground that new music loves can grow on? Photo Credit Places like this This blog has some pretty great ideas on artists worth listening to. But it’s not just this one. The blogosphere and the online community, in general, is a great place to find…
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