Tag Archive: work

4 Things to Do If You are Continually Being Overlooked at Work

Contributed Post There is no feeling more demoralising than arriving at work and feeling unwanted and undervalued. You feel like you work your socks off for this company and they never give you the credit you deserve. They don’t take health and safety seriously, they never give you any compliments about your work and you are never given promotional prospects. It is true that being overlooked at work is an upsetting feeling that can cause long term health issues and stress. You need to take a stand and fight for what you deserve in the workplace using these four tried and tested methods. Explore Your Rights If you suspect that your workplace has exposed you to hazardous substances then you have every right to explore…
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Getting A Word In At Work: Are You Being Overlooked?

We are all unique, and that’s what makes the world such a diverse and interesting place. When you’re at work, you may encounter a host of different personalities, and sometimes, you can find yourself in situations where you’re out of your depth, or you feel like you’re being overpowered by others. If you’re not a loud, outgoing person, it can be hard to get a word in, but don’t let this hold you back. If you’re keen to make your voice heard, here are some tips. Image by https://pixabay.com/en/photos/meeting/ Arrange smaller meetings If you find that you can’t get your message across or share your opinions in a room full of people, suggest arranging smaller meetings and getting together with groups of people separately. It’s…
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Some Of The Most Undervalued Jobs In The World

Photo sourced from The Blue Diamond Gallery A large percentage of people in employment are not content with their job. In America for example, 30% of workers view their current work as a ´job to get them by´ and 47% of employees state that they do not identify with their current job, according to statistics carried out in the US. With so many individuals struggling to enjoy their job, it comes as no surprise that those who do find a career they value, are considered to be very fortunate. One measure of satisfaction is the experience of getting a sense of identity from a job. Interestingly, 62% of adults working in the healthcare industry and 70% of those working in education claim to get a…
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Campaign season is the worst thing ever

Brutha, there is no more awful time of the year than campaign season. As many of you know, in my day job I’m a newspaper guy. I do the kind of things newspaper guys do. Right now, that means managing the coverage of two fierce mayoral elections. And let me tell you, my hatred for campaign season is the kind of hatred usually reserved for famine, pestilence, genocide, and Barbra Streisand. Not in that order. I’d go into details, but not in a public forum. Suffice to say that after 11 years of covering local politics, I’m more than a little jaded at the process and the people and all the little insanities that go into it. I aim to do a good job because…
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