Tag Archive: Contributed Post

5 Signs You’re Drinking Too Much

Contributed Post Image Source It’s generally advised that men drink no more than two drinks a day, whilst women drink no more than one (1 drink being 12 fluid ounces of beer or 5 fluid ounces of wine). But let’s face it, alcohol affects us all differently. This type of drinking also doesn’t take into account binging, which a lot of us do, whether it be at the odd party or every week. So, how do you really tell you’re drinking too much? Well, besides from the obvious warnings from a doctor, there can be other tell-tale signs. Drinking may not be doing physical harm to your liver and organs, but could it could be doing harm in other ways. Here are a few indicators…
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The Challenges Of Moving For Work

A new start in a new place is sometimes necessary to shake things up and relieve those itchy feet. The great thing about being a writer is that it can be done anywhere, offering some excellent opportunities for travel and new experiences. If you work in an industry where you are offered the chance to travel, you should take it – but know that it is not without its challenges. Here are some of the things you should consider when moving for work that could benefit you if you decide to take the plunge. Image: Pixabay Language Language is a reason that puts many people off moving to a new country, but these days it’s easier than ever to pick up a new language. Some…
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Workplace Safety: It’s More Important Than You Think!

Image Source You hear a lot of jargon about risk assessments and health and safety that you need to be aware of in business. When you’re the employee working for someone, you have training on how to handle a disaster, how to react in a fire and you even have work station assessments for your own comfort. When you own your own business, it’s your turn to ensure that the people you work with are safe, comfortable and healthy. No one wants to work in a death trap or somewhere they don’t feel entirely safe, and rightly so. Make sure you and employees have safety equipment. If you need to get Camel Unigloves Coat, Shop Here. Otherwise, you can find gear online. As a business…
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Entertain Guests With The Perfect Outdoor Seating Area

Garden parties and gatherings are always a very popular way of bringing guests into your home and letting the good times roll. It’s a fabulous idea for people that are perhaps lacking space inside their house, but still, want to entertain their friends and family from time to time. The secret to successfully entertaining guests is a great outdoor seating area for everyone to sit in and have some fun. Today, I’m going to give you a few tips on how you can achieve the perfect seating area and entertainment venue in your back garden. (pixabay: http://bit.ly/2hajTXg) Patio Or Decking The perfect seating area requires you to have a good place to put chairs, tables, and other items. If you put everything down on your…
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Amazon And Alcohol: Good News, Or Potential Trouble?

Flickr Image Amazon is the beast that just keeps getting bigger. It’s become a solid part of many Western countries, and none more so than America. To gain some idea of how important this e commerce company have become, consider that 64% of U.S. households now have Amazon Prime. On top of which, four of every $10 spent online is spent on Amazon. In case you hadn’t realized, it’s kind of a big deal. And, to keep interest high, Amazon forever surprises us with new benefits. Most recently, we’ve seen an explosion of popularity for Amazon’s ‘Alexa,’ an intelligent personal assistant who is changing the way we live. Thanks to her, Amazon is at the forefront of ‘the internet of everything,’ and cementing themselves well…
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