Welcome To The Real World: Three Of The Most Stressful Parts Of Adult Life

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Stop me if this fact is too shocking for you, but adult life can be pretty stressful sometimes. When you’re young, it seems as though being an adult will be the best thing in the world. You have all the freedom you want, and no one can tell you what to do. But then adulthood rolls around, and you realize just how wrong you were. Of course, you do have freedom, probably more than when you were young. It’s just that that freedom is marred by the presence of responsibility. That’s not to say that everything about being an adult it a source of stress. But here are some of adult life’s most stressful situations, and how to navigate them.

Striking out on your own


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You spend your entire life and a child and teenager longing for the day you get to fly the nest and get out on your own. But when the time comes you find that, along with being just as exciting as you always imagine, it’s actually a pretty scary prospect. In the face of taking on all your own responsibilities, a fragile economy and a mounting stack of bills, getting out on your own can be absolutely terrifying. There’s a reason that more and more people in their twenties and even thirties are still living with their parents. It’s becoming more difficult actually to get out on your own.



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For many people, relationships are the best thing in their lives. A relationship is the thing to strive for most of all. The thrill of romance! The joy of infatuation! Which makes it all the more jarring when they discover that most relationships are actually a lot of hard work. Of course, they are still fantastic, joyous exciting experiences. But relationships need compromise and understanding, two things that don’t come without putting some work in. One of the big reasons that so many couples jump straight to the divorce attorney when things get rough is that they’ve been taught to believe that relationships are supposed to be easy. You find the right person and that’s it, the rest takes care of itself. So when they discover that that’s very much not the case, it can be tough to deal with.

Your dreams might not come true (right away)


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Too many people find themselves miserable because they haven’t fallen into their dream job right away. That’s pretty understandable. You work at school or university for years only to find that the job you wanted isn’t within your reach. It can be frustrating. Now, that doesn’t mean that you’re definitely never going to get to where you want to be. It just means you’d better be ready to put in the work in places that you might not really be all that passionate about.

Sadly, there’s no definitive solution for dealing with the stress of modern life. But the best thing that you can do is to be prepared. Don’t let rose tinted glasses blind you to reality. If you know, that modern adult life is going to come with no small amount of stress then you’re that much better equipped to face it.


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