The Key To Staying Happy At Work

Contributed Post

Like it or not, work is where we are going to spend a large portion of our lives. With that being said, it seems pointless getting so worked up at work. If we are spending a great deal of our lives at the desk, we must try to be happy behind that desk.

We’d all rather be geeking out, cooking, watching our favorite shows or just lazing about. Unfortunately, work is a necessity and it doesn’t matter if you’re a freelancer working from home or someone working for the Government up on Capitol Hill, you’re still earning money.

How do we stay happy at work though?

Firstly, you’ve got to assess why you’re in the role you are in. Do you need it to pay the bills? Do you need it to gain experience? Is it actually worth your while? If you spend your life in a job you are unhappy with, it’s going to crush you. Assess what the job is worth to you and if it is worth anything less than what you need, you should be looking for alternative employment as soon as possible. Try to line up your next role so you’re not stuck twiddling your thumbs in between jobs.

Even those of us in our dream jobs still have to deal with many of the same issues that those of us who struggle in our roles have to contend with. Namely, stress. Stress is a natural occurrence that arises through pressure – whether internalized by yourself or coming from an external source like your boss. Stress is going to occur at any job. You’ve got to find ways to deal with it and cope. Stress is going to make your dream job hell if you allow it to, so develop ways of blowing off steam and coping mechanisms that can help you through the day. If you allow stress to build up, you’re going to have more problems than just your job.


Time management and organization are key when staying happy at work. If you don;t stay organized and new tasks constantly take you by surprise, you’re not going to perform well at all. You can’t beat the pull of time, but you can certainly rip away its reins and control your time. Keep a diary and know what each and every day is going to bring you. Prioritize your tasks and boss your schedule. If you need assistance or advice then check out this website.

The key to staying happy at work is just by being happy. Realize what you are doing and the service you provide to the world. Look at the investment you are making in your life. Try not to worry about the little things and break down big issues into manageable chunks. Everyone else can manage fine, so you can too! Don’t let all of this get on top of you and take control of your work.


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