Some new ambient music for your listening pleasure

I like recording music. I also like recording layered guitar soundscapes, relaxing washes of sound, ambient drones, and blistering walls of noise created with my guitar. I record these for my own pleasure. I also like putting them online for those interested in zoning out to music like this. I often post them to my other blog, Tones, Drones & Moans, and also to the music page on my website. The latest is “Falling Back Into It,” a double album of meandering guitar soundscapes recorded in fits and starts over the last two years. You can download it track-by-track below. Enjoy. m2 Falling Back Into It DISC ONE 1) Spinning Lecterns (2:32) 2) Womb Encasement (16:50) 3) Election (6:44) 4) Paint Brushes (7:42) 5)…
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