MUSIC: Some new drones & tones by Eric

Last week I wrapped up my latest collection of guitar soundscapes, tones and drones. Part of my m2 project, these are long instrumental pieces made up entirely of droning guitar sounds. Sometimes they’re soothing, sometimes they’re abrasive. It’s not for everyone. I’ll be adding it to my music archive blog soon, but for those who enjoy this sort of thing you can give these swirls of sound a listen here. Thanks for listening. m2 The Endless Twelve 1) Sunday Bliss Can’t Lift, Can Only Pretend (7:05) 2) Falling Back Into It (10:38) 3) Etched On Me Is A Waiting Demon (7:38) 4) The Endless Twelve (24:54) 5) Sobriety (5:02)