Musings from the basement...

Eric writes comics! Anthology preview 1 of 10

Pitched Vol 1

My upcoming comic anthology is less than a week away from being sent to the printer, so there is no better time than now to give you an array of awesome previews. Nine stories written by yours truly, nine artists, ten contributors in all. I’ll preview them all over the next several days. It should be awesome. First, a sneak peek at the cover. This is not final, but it’s damn close to what the final cover will look like. And yes, we have an introduction by that Erik Larsen, he of Savage Dragon and Image Comics fame. Thanks, Erik! CLICK HERE for a larger version! More to come!

Mixing up the Alfred Hitchcock podcast

In case you aren’t aware, I co-host and produce a weekly podcast devoted to the films of Alfred Hitchcock. It’s a fun, more casual extension of the book I co-authored with my friend Jim McDevitt, A Year of Hitchcock: 52 Weeks with the Master of Suspense. For this week’s episode (mp3 format) we tried something a little different. Instead of discussing one of Hitchcock’s films, we took a listener question and used that as a launching point to just … well, talk. It was an enjoyable change of pace and we hope people like it, because if they do, we’ll be doing more like this. After spending so many days of my life on the “Year of Hitchcock” project, it was great to just talk…
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Eric does soundtrack music for Weird Tales

Late last year, Stephen Segal, Editorial & creative director at the legendary Weird Tales, asked me to contribute some soundtrack music for a series of brief promotional videos he had in the works. The second of those videos (and first featuring my music) is now online. Check it out: The track is called “Blasphemous Horrors”. If you found those creepy sounds interesting, you can surf right over here and download all 13 one-minute compositions I did for Weird Tales. I think you’ll find them jarring, disturbing, and just this side of cool.

Red Meat – the comic strip, not the food

Years ago I walked into a B. Dalton store and purchased some books. Nothing extraordinary about that. But while standing at the checkout a little book o’ comic strips caught my eye. The cover had a creepy Goth kinda priest looking dude on it. Flipped through it, read one or two, and bought it on the spot. It was Red Meat, and it is disturbingly brilliant. So wrong, it’s right. Go visit their website. Buy a book. You’ll thank me later.

Lost – On daddy issues

WARNING: The following contains SPOILERS for the television show Lost. If you have not caught up through season 5, do not read this. It will spoil your enjoyment of the show. Lost makes no great attempt to hide its recurring themes. Faith versus reason (as I’ve already discussed), free will versus fate, and redemption and rebirth are not just subtle thematic elements of the show, they are right up front and center. These aspects of the show’s thematic heart are oft discussed, but a common element more infrequently discussed is the sins of the father; trying to rise above deep parental issues, specifically father issues. Not that Lost has made this theme a big secret. After all, the eleventh episode of the very first season…
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