Musings from the basement...

Did I mention my podcast is back?

For the first time in nearly a year, you can hear Jim McDevitt and I yapping again on the Year of Hitchcock podcast right at this awesome link. Our Hooray! We’re Back! episode doesn’t only get us back online, it announces our super awesome news: We’ll be podcasting monthly from now until eternity — or until I get sick of it — talking about classic films, directors, actors, and whatever else suits our fancy. So that’s cool. The show is available on iTunes (though the feed is screwy for some reason), as well on other outlets. And hey, iTunes users? We sure would like your reviews. The first few are from when we were still new and, frankly, terrible. They are understandably bad. But we…
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Some new ambient music for your listening pleasure

I like recording music. I also like recording layered guitar soundscapes, relaxing washes of sound, ambient drones, and blistering walls of noise created with my guitar. I record these for my own pleasure. I also like putting them online for those interested in zoning out to music like this. I often post them to my other blog, Tones, Drones & Moans, and also to the music page on my website. The latest is “Falling Back Into It,” a double album of meandering guitar soundscapes recorded in fits and starts over the last two years. You can download it track-by-track below. Enjoy.   m2 Falling Back Into It DISC ONE 1) Spinning Lecterns (2:32) 2) Womb Encasement (16:50) 3) Election (6:44) 4) Paint Brushes (7:42) 5)…
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On creativity and fear

Creation is an act of defiance against fear. Whether writer, musician, artist, or other variation on the theme of Creative Person, all of us at one point or another struggle between our insatiable need to create and a nagging demon whispering to us, “You can’t do it. You will never be great.” So when we sit down and put words on the page or send musical notes to the ears of our listeners, we are rebelling against that fear. Where others are intimidated by failure, by the sometimes insurmountable challenge of turning their creative vision into reality, we fight on. Sometimes. Because at other times, that fear can grind us to a halt. We realize that what we’re trying to do borders on insane. Wouldn’t…
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Writers, don’t get suckered into working for free

Writers want to be read. That is why you write. You write to express yourself or to earn a living, yes — for me writing is as much a job as it is a joy — but it begins with a desire to say, “Look at this. These are my words.” That’s why it’s very easy for aspiring writers to get suckered into doing free work they should be getting paid for, or worse yet, for established writers to get tricked into doing the same. In the world of freelance writing especially, there are plenty of people out there ready and willing to prey on your eagerness, naivety, or desperation to get some writing work. Here’s one trick I see a lot when prowling freelance…
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