Musings from the basement...
The clock is ticking. I’m going to die. Dammit.

Not too long ago, I was hanging with a good friend a mine. It was the usual hanging out thing, which in my world means sitting on your hemorrhoids, drinking beer, and talking bad about puppies. He’s 82. Christ! 82! I can’t even imagine what that is like (but I’m starting to be able to). Anyway, we’re having a beer and watching other friends do manual labor. As we relax, he tells me a story about a phone call his wife got. Their house got destroyed by Hurricane Sandy. It has since been rebuilt, but some dudes called or something and tried to get her to sign up for some bullshit I only half paid attention to (because that’s what friends do). Some kind of…
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Just how historically accurate was Mad Men?

The following piece is an excerpt from Celebrating Mad Men, available in paperback and for Kindle. “I talk to them about relationships, how people might interact with a certain company at a client meeting. I also ask really simple questions, like ‘Where did you eat lunch?’” –Mad Men researcher Kathryn Allison Mann on interviewing industry veterans (source) When Mad Men first hit the air, few things garnered as much attention as the show’s slavish devotion to capturing period-accurate detail. The show developed such a reputation for being correct in its period details that sticklers for historical accuracy have kept a close eye on things like the fonts being used just to catch them in an error. (Font Designer Mark Simonson has a fantastic breakdown on…
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I was a guest on the Geek*E podcast, take a listen!

If you’ve seen the ridiculous Youtube videos I’ve been doing with Tig from Nerd Out With Me, I’m sorry. It’s not my fault. And yet I’m going to go ahead and assault your senses once more – but thankfully, you won’t have to SEE me this time. Along with Tig, I was recently a guest on the Geek*E Podcast. We talked about Thomas the Tank Engine, Lite-Bright, why Red Dawn is a sequel to Dirty Dancing, and Strawberry Shortcake (the character, not the food). Plus favorite ’80s movies and TV shows you want to show to other people, ’80s toys I want to buy, and Big Trouble in Little China. So check it out. Click and listen: Geek*E: Geek Nostalgia
Check out my new article at Homebrew Talk: Growing Hops With Limited Space

Whether you’re a homebrewer, a gardener, or both, you’ll want to check out my new article at Homebrew Talk. It even has pictures of my hop plants growing all over my backyard deck! Growing hops at home is a lot easier than you probably imagine. You don’t need much real gardening experience to do it — I didn’t really have any when I first started — and once hops make themselves at home they are damn near impossible to kill. They’ll thrive all on their own without you having to do much, but they won’t take over your whole yard, either. They’re not like, say, mint. They’ll stay in their spot and do their thing each year without much help from you. They do take up a lot of space,…
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