Life-Enhancing Experiences All Adults Should Try

Have you found yourself stuck in the monotony of modern life, get up, go to work, come home and go to bed? If you are looking to break away from the daily humdrum then here are some life-enhancing experiences that could alter your mindset, mix things up or enhance your daily life for the better. 

Photo credit; Run 4 FFWPU from Pexels 

Run a race

Whether an experienced runner or newbie plodder there is a mass participation race for everyone. Races and mass participation events such as organized marathons, 10ks or Park Runs are a great way to get you outside and exercising a little bit more and potentially expand your social circle in the process. What is more, you will get a great sense of achievement when you complete your race, whatever the distance and whatever the time.  The positive effects of exercise and particularly running are well known so why not sign yourself up and reap all of the practical, mental, and physical benefits running has to offer. 

Watch live action 

Live-action is commonly underrated as a must-do activity. Yes, watching shows and performances on the big screen can be great but you can seldom beat the thrill and atmosphere of a live performance. When it comes to live-action events there is no end to the possibilities. You could opt for live sporting events, a local football game, or a national championship perhaps? A live theater show such as Shen Yun can guarantee to leave you entertained and enthralled, or catch your favorite artist next time they are playing at a venue near you. A live-action performance is sure to  give you a buzz and you never know, may even inspire you to take up or pursue a long-lost passion project. 

Conquer a fear

Are you slave to a phobia or tied down to a fear that stops you from doing or experiencing things? Almost everyone has a fear and everyone will respond to it differently. Have you ever thought about facing your fear so that it can no longer prevent you from living the life you want? It might, well it will, be scary and it probably won’t be easy but facing your fear and overcoming it is one of the best life-enhancing experiences you can undertake. You will be liberating yourself from the confines of your phobia. At the very least, conquering a fear will give you an unrivaled sense of pride and achievement. 

Perform in public

For some public performance or public speaking is a nightmare best left in high school and for others, it is second nature. Whatever side of the fence you sit on performing in public, even briefly can be a great way to mix up the tedious nature of your daily routines. It is also a great way to help improve confidence, self-esteem and leave you feeling more comfortable in your skin. So why not push yourself out of your comfort zone and get up in front of others, what is the worst that can happen?

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