Works by Eric

Posts showcasing new books, articles, features, etc. by Eric

A few appearances from around the web

Joe Valdez over at This Distracted Globe quoted me in his write-up of Hitchcock’s The Lady Vanishes. Thanks, Joe. The quote comes from my review of the Criterion Collection DVD release, which you can read here. Purchase the (awesome) DVD here. Over on the Bibliophile Stalker blog, there is a review/overview of the issue of Weird Tales in which my “commendable piece,” Whispers of the Old Hag, appeared. Thanks, Charles. The issue also has a listing at Locus Online. Speaking of listings, lists A Year of Hitchcock with upcoming books on the History of Motion Pictures. Looks like we’re in some fine company. While we’re on A Year of Hitchcock, I found a good source for tracking down deals on the book. The book’s…
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MUSIC: walls of sound, noise, and me

For most people, my m2 music project is an unlistenable collection of self-indulgent wankery. They might be right. I can’t claim it’s particularly musical or tuneful. For me, though, it’s very personal. It’s something I’ve been doing for a long time, but only recently for others to hear. For years I’ve recorded music like this for me and me alone. There is something very cathartic about getting lost in a wall of sound. I’d been doing it since I got my first guitar in 1992 or so. Most of the time I never even recorded it. I’d just plug in and let wail. It was ear-splittingly ugly — and I loved it. The first recording I can remember was a 45-minute piece made up of…
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Stuff Every Husband Should Know reviews are in

Stuff Every Husband Should Know

While I enjoy receiving feedback on my work, both good and bad — criticism can be helpful — I don’t generally make it a point to seek out reviews. However, some reviews of Stuff Every Husband Should Know have been sent my way, so I thought I’d share them. called it a “must-have guide” featuring “priceless practical wisdom that all wives hope their husbands possess.” Mom Central called it “the rulebook to the game that husbands have been playing for thousands of years.” A husband and wife duo from the Ledger-Enquirer bickered (playfully) over some of the tips in one chapter. And a quirky blogger said the book is “the perfect gift for the man new to wed or this upcoming Fathers Day.” My…
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My new book, STUFF EVERY HUSBAND SHOULD KNOW, is out today

I’ve blogged on and off about the project I tackled last spring, and am pleased to announce that my second book, Stuff Every Husband Should Know (Quirk Books 2011), is out in stores TODAY. Hooray! “Husband” is a fun, pocket-sized book that will make a great gift. It’s filled with all sorts of great stuff my wife wishes I actually did. 🙂 The book is available at Amazon (including a Kindle edition), Barnes & Noble (including a Nook edition), Target, Borders, Booksamillion, and fine bookstores and gift shops everywhere. Hey reddit!