Author Archive: Eric San Juan
Eric San Juan
September 6, 2021
Moving a piano can be difficult, but it is not impossible. If you have ever thought about moving your own piano before, then this article will provide some helpful tips and tricks to make the process easier. First of all, when lifting a piano up from one place to another place, make sure that the lift points are spread out evenly across the width of the instrument so that there is no over-compression in any given part of it. If you’re using a large truck for transportation or storage purposes—make sure to secure your instrument properly inside with ropes or other tying devices so that it doesn’t move around too much while driving down bumpy roads! Lift Piano Before lifting the piano, take care to…
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Eric San Juan
August 25, 2021
If your business is on a tight budget, you should know that increasing your exposure is entirely possible. It also doesn’t have to be expensive because often the tiniest tweaks make the biggest difference. Incentivise with customer rewards When opposed to selling to someone who has already purchased from you, acquiring new customers costs five times more. If you want to take advantage of this, the best way to do so is to put money into a customer incentive programme. This is a fantastic solution that also allows you to actively advertise your company. If you want to keep your buyers coming back, instead of offering them goods from other suppliers, try providing them discounts or even incentives. Take advantage of radio While it’s…
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Eric San Juan
August 23, 2021
Image Courtesy of Pixabay For most, a great writing session is relaxing enough. But sometimes, you can be a little anxious, stressed or tired. This can potentially ruin your planned writing time, which results in being uncomfortable. But writing a good book requires you to be entirely focused and engaged in the story. A good bath beforehand will let you de-stress and sink in. Get Comfy A quality bath should be relaxing, and for the most part, it will be. However, sometimes it can be a little uncomfortable. Most baths are made from enamel, which is a shiny yet slippery material. It doesn’t get much more annoying than having to pull yourself back up every 20 seconds. Being a hard surface, you can also get…
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Eric San Juan
August 20, 2021
Image Credit If you are considering a career in the art industry, this guide is for you. It talks about what an artist does and why it’s essential to get started on your portfolio early. By reading this piece, you will be able to decide whether becoming an artist is your calling or not. Have a Mentor to Inspire You As a new artist looking to break into the industry, you might be feeling lost. You may know what type of art you want to create, and how to get your work seen by people in power. You’re trying to find yourself as an artist and have no idea where or who can help guide you on this journey. The good news is…
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Eric San Juan
August 13, 2021
More and more people are thinking about living in a remote way, and this is something that you might be thinking about too. There are definitely a lot of upsides to this kind of living, and it is something that you are going to want to consider, especially if you are thinking about shaking things up a bit and trying to make life more of an adventure. Whether you are due to live in a van, on a narrowboat, or anything else in between, there are considerations to think about – and in this day and age, one of them is internet connection. How can you get a good internet connection when you live remotely? Let’s take a look. Image Source – CCO Licence Dongle…
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