Author Archive: Eric San Juan

Ingenious Schemes To Amplify Your Vocabulary

If you want to be a good writer, there’s a lot more than having a big lexicon at your disposal. Becoming a walking thesaurus does not make you better at using words to their best effect. However, limiting your vocabulary tends to have the effect of limiting the room that your brain has to explore, as well. As such, here are some excellent ways to expand the dictionary in your brain and to keep sharpening your skills. Pic – CC0 License Pick out a word a day It’s a simple one, but it’s an effective one. There is plenty of word of the day feeds, you can find them on Twitter, subscribe to them on RSS, have them email you, or even download a word…
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Music for Fiction Writing

Image Credit Music and fiction are closely related. Their dance reaches back to before the ancient Greek epics were constructed, to a time when words were first put to music. The mediums still inspire each other these days, so why not experiment with music for your fiction writing this winter?    Phillip Glass  If you’re part of the school that swears by instrumental music when you’re writing, it’s hard to see past Phillip Glass. Phillip Glass has a long history of creating poetic music that strikes a balance between classical composition and modern soundscapes. It’s perfect for writing.  Listening to Phillip Glass while you write your fiction not only gives your thinking mind something to do, thereby freeing up your imagination to deliver on the page;…
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For Old Time’s Sake: How To Stay In Touch With Your Friends

Unsplash – CC0 License As we go through life, people come and go. Chances are that the friends and acquaintances that you have now are different from those that you had in the past.  Friends, though, are an important part of our lives. Without them, we wouldn’t have much social interaction other than with our families or work colleagues. And if you’re single and working from home, that would basically imply no human contact at all.  In this post, we take a look at some of the ways that you can stay in touch with friends over the course of your life while making it natural at the same time. Here’s what to do.  Find A Reason To Stay In Touch Friendships are value-based relationships….
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Why Your Business Needs A Marketing Consultant

When it comes to marketing, many factors come into play that will influence how successful your marketing campaign is. Especially now with digital marketing being a huge influence when it comes to online consumer behaviors. A good ROI for your marketing campaign should aim to be around 5:1. Image credit What Is A Marketing Consultant? Market research is an important aspect of the success of every company, and your firm is no exception. Success will inevitably follow if you hire marketing experts to work with your firm. In addition to assisting you in developing powerful marketing methods to attract people, these pros can also assist you in developing effective commercials that will raise overall sales of your items or services. If you aren’t hitting this…
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How You Can Broaden Your Literary Horizons

There is a fine line between being a critical reader and being a reader with too few options. The reality that we will never be able to read everything is an inconvenient truth of literary existence. As a result, we must pick and choose, and because we are inherently lazy and comfort seekers, we like to stick with what we are familiar with. Because of this, we devise rules to assist us in deciding which material to read and which material to avoid. A diversity of reading experiences will likely result in a deeper reading life, so sometimes, we need to move away from simply reading for pleasure alone. Our reading life should aim to expose us to new experiences rather than to protect us…
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