Author Archive: Eric San Juan
Eric San Juan
October 21, 2021
When it comes to marketing, many factors come into play that will influence how successful your marketing campaign is. Especially now with digital marketing being a huge influence when it comes to online consumer behaviors. A good ROI for your marketing campaign should aim to be around 5:1. Image credit What Is A Marketing Consultant? Market research is an important aspect of the success of every company, and your firm is no exception. Success will inevitably follow if you hire marketing experts to work with your firm. In addition to assisting you in developing powerful marketing methods to attract people, these pros can also assist you in developing effective commercials that will raise overall sales of your items or services. If you aren’t hitting this…
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Eric San Juan
October 5, 2021
There is a fine line between being a critical reader and being a reader with too few options. The reality that we will never be able to read everything is an inconvenient truth of literary existence. As a result, we must pick and choose, and because we are inherently lazy and comfort seekers, we like to stick with what we are familiar with. Because of this, we devise rules to assist us in deciding which material to read and which material to avoid. A diversity of reading experiences will likely result in a deeper reading life, so sometimes, we need to move away from simply reading for pleasure alone. Our reading life should aim to expose us to new experiences rather than to protect us…
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Eric San Juan
September 21, 2021
Our world came to a halt when the pandemic struck, but you shouldn’t worry. Even if you’re at home, you can still enjoy the benefits of photography. Learn how this simple hobby can help improve your well-being without moving around a lot.
Eric San Juan
September 7, 2021
Moving out of state can be challenging. It’s a big decision, and there is lots of planning that goes into it. One of the first things to do is research what your new area has to offer as far as schools, cost of living, and job prospects for you or your family members who will also be making a move with you. Is it an affordable place to live? Do they have good public transportation? These are some questions that need answers before moving out of state! Cost of Living It’s critical to understand how significantly more (or less!) your new lifestyle will cost when you relocate outside of the state. You may use a cost-of-living calculator to see how housing, transportation, food, clothing, and…
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Eric San Juan
September 7, 2021
It’s no secret that the world is changing. Everyone is living in a digital age where everything from information to entertainment is just a click away. As a result, the way you consume media has drastically changed over the past few years, and it’s only going to keep evolving as time goes on. So, here are four ways to leverage modern technology to help take your talent to the next level! Image Credit Use Software To Advance Your Skills Many different types of software can help you advance your skills. Some examples include Video Editing Software, to create videos for YouTube or other social media networks, Bibisco, the most intuitive and user-friendly writing software, and Graphic Design Software, to design logos and promotional images. The…
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