Why You Need Real Plants In Your Garden

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For many people, a garden is simply a space to enjoy a few beers with their mates. What it looks like is irrelevant. As long as it has space for a small barbecue and a few chairs it is perfect for long summer evenings of socializing.

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Plants are hard work. They fail to grow in the places that you want them to. They do grow in the places that you don’t want them to and they need to be watered. Some even need plant food! If you can’t be bothered with all that, you have probably paved over your garden and had some decking put in so that it is low-maintenance. But was this the best decision? You could be missing out on a seriously stress-busting hobby and you have missed an opportunity to do your bit for the environment. Perhaps it is time for you to think again!

Plants help to prevent global warming

You can’t have missed the dire warnings about global warming. It is predicted that our production of carbon dioxide is allowing the planet to heat up and that it will cause all sorts of climate changes in the future. All plants take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen so the more plants there are the better! No-one is suggesting that you plant a rainforest in your garden. However, if you have the room, the bigger the trees the better. As is illustrated here, you can get appropriate equipment to keep you safe as you manage the trees and you can get to use some serious chainsaw kit as you keep your mini-forest under control.

Gardening is good for stress

Stress levels are on the rise in men and women as people struggle to cope with the pressures of modern living. You can find more help here on how to deal with excessive levels of stress in your life. Gardening is great therapy. It gets you outside and moving around which is great for your overall health. It makes you slow down and focus on one thing which is similar to the mindfulness techniques. You will find that the jumble of thoughts in your head slows down. It is also very satisfying which is great for your confidence and self-esteem.

You can eat what you grow!

Imagine eating something that you have grown yourself. You can grow tomatoes and peppers in a window box so space should not be an issue. It saves you having to go to the store to get them. The fruit and vegetables that you grow in the garden will taste so much better than anything that you buy.

It’ll cut down the noise

The problem with many urban gardens is that they are disturbed by noise. Cities are noisy places to live and this makes outdoor spaces a little unpleasant sometimes. Plants, especially trees, absorb noise energy and will protect your garden from noisy intrusions. They also trap pollution and so if you live near a busy road they will cut down the levels of air pollution in your garden.



  1. Pingback: 5 Common Lawn Care Mistakes You MUST Avoid This Summer – ERIC SAN JUAN

  2. omer

    Thanks for sharing this amazing post

  3. anthony paul

    amazing !!! good work. keep it up.


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