Dealing With Legal Issues Without Losing Your Head

Luckily you can’t legally lose your head by decapitation in the US by execution. But there are plenty of some that still use the electric chair and the lethal injection. Punishments such as these and the other consequences can lead people to panic when they find themselves in trouble with the law. But the best thing to do is keep calm and see what options you have to resolve the situation in the best possible way.




50% of marriages in the US end in divorce. It’s not a great statistic for anyone thinking of tying the knot, is it? But well at least you have a 1 in 2 shot of making it! If the worse happens and you do decide to separate, it is in everybody’s interest to do so as quickly and as a painless easy as possible.

That is why you will need the help of a good family lawyer. They will be able to establish blame where necessary and negotiate an acceptable deal for both parties. So you can worry about getting on with your life.


A DUI or driving under the influence is when the driver of a vehicle is caught with an alcohol blood level over the legal limit. The driver doesn’t have to be involved in a crash for this to happen. The Police have the right to pull over anyone that they suspect of a DUI.

While the driver doesn’t have to crash to get a DUI, did you know that two in every three people will be involved in one over the course of their lives?

If you find yourself with a DUI charge, research pages like for information. They can help you establish what to do next. Remember getting the right advice can be very valuable as a DUI may result in jail, a fine or a ban.

Other Criminal Proceedings

While the number of violent crimes is often played down, there was a 4% increase in 2015 across the country. Read the full story at That means people are charged with felonies like this every day.

Finding yourself in a situation like this can be devastating, and you need to carefully think out your actions. Get as much legal advice as you can both before and after you have been charged. You will want to pick a legal representative that has experience on similar cases to maximize your chances of success.

Remember your rights as you are being interviewed and, make sure to lodge a complaint if you feel that they have been violated in any way.  


Another huge problem that American face is the risk of being sued for damages for either physical or psychological injury. On average there are 15 million cases of litigation filed every year!

If you are involved in a litigious case, it can seem like your whole world is falling in. But remember a lot of people are lured into making these claims on a no win no fee basis, rather than because they have a good case, to begin with. So there is some hope that it may be thrown out of court.

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