
Music by Eric

MUSIC: Jeff Mangum, Paramount Theater, Asbury Park, Oct. 3, 2011

Thirteen years ago, Jeff Mangum and his band, Neutral Milk Hotel, released In the Aeroplane Over the Sea, quietly one of the most powerful albums of the last 20 years. A year later, he walked away from the music business and disappeared. In the 12 years since Neutral Milk Hotel went on hiatus, he has rarely done interviews. In one revealing interview, he alluded to a nervous breakdown and talked about how emotionally draining his music could be. All this time, though, fans — myself included — have waited and waited and waited to just hear some damn music. Not because we feel we’re owed, but because few musicians have been able to tap into a subconscious mess of pain and hurt and dream images…
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MUSIC: walls of sound, noise, and me

For most people, my m2 music project is an unlistenable collection of self-indulgent wankery. They might be right. I can’t claim it’s particularly musical or tuneful. For me, though, it’s very personal. It’s something I’ve been doing for a long time, but only recently for others to hear. For years I’ve recorded music like this for me and me alone. There is something very cathartic about getting lost in a wall of sound. I’d been doing it since I got my first guitar in 1992 or so. Most of the time I never even recorded it. I’d just plug in and let wail. It was ear-splittingly ugly — and I loved it. The first recording I can remember was a 45-minute piece made up of…
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MUSIC: Some new drones & tones by Eric

Last week I wrapped up my latest collection of guitar soundscapes, tones and drones. Part of my m2 project, these are long instrumental pieces made up entirely of droning guitar sounds. Sometimes they’re soothing, sometimes they’re abrasive. It’s not for everyone. I’ll be adding it to my music archive blog soon, but for those who enjoy this sort of thing you can give these swirls of sound a listen here. Thanks for listening. m2 The Endless Twelve 1) Sunday Bliss Can’t Lift, Can Only Pretend (7:05) 2) Falling Back Into It (10:38) 3) Etched On Me Is A Waiting Demon (7:38) 4) The Endless Twelve (24:54) 5) Sobriety (5:02)

Soon. New Eric music. Very soon.

When recording music, self-indulgence is a huge sin — and one I commit time and again. Can’t help it. It’s not like it’s musician wank. I’m not anywhere CLOSE to a good enough musician for that. It’s sound wank. Noise, big sound, layered drones, guitar feedback. Stuff no one wants to hear. But I like to hear it, so I do it. So anyway, I’m recording a new X-Sweet album, right? And X-Sweet tends to be my more traditional musical project, what with me singing reg’lar ol’ songs and all that. I’m not claiming it’s good, as you can see for yourself, I’m just saying it exists. I like doing honest to goodness songs, but I’m objective enough to admit my guitar soundscapes are far…
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