Tag Archive: Writing

The Laptopless Life

Sometimes I am a forgetful fool. Yesterday I was at my buddy Jim’s, where we began recording what will be a weekly podcast series covering ground similar to our book, A Year of Hitchcock (Scarecrow Press, 2009). It was a fun project to dive into. While I’ve done radio before (doing the “color commentary” for a local station’s Election Day coverage, that sort of thing), I had never done podcasting. They’re similar, but not quite the same. Anyway, I the laptop and some recording equipment up to his place, we yammered for a while about Alfred Hitchcock’s movies, had lunch with the wildly talented Chris Knight (who we tried to convince to be a guest on a future show), then I went home. AND LEFT…
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New challenges = hooray!

When it comes to writing, I like facing new challenges. Trying something I’ve never tried before. Figuring out how to put the pieces together and make it work. It’s exciting. It’s thrilling. Sometimes I’ll just invent some challenge to overcome, for no other reason than it seems like fun. Right now I’m facing an enjoyable challenge. As mentioned in a previous post, I’m putting together an anthology of comic stories. Not comic as in funny, comic as in illustrated fiction. The challenge of taking these plots, pacing them out so they work in a mere eight pages, working with the artists, scripting the stories, getting the balance of elements right … It’s a thrill. When stuff clicks and it all falls into place, it’s like…
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A Quickee Linkee

So someone pointed out to me that a blogger called Comicsgirl has linked to my Sandman series. She’s got a nice comics-centric blog. Check it out. Thanks for the kind words, CG, here’s a link right back atcha. Neil Gaiman has linked to the series three times on his journal, so I expect lots of Sandman fans have been reading. That’s rather gratifying, but also entirely unexpected, seeing as I began writing it just to entertain myself. It looks like one of my quotes is being used in the marketing materials for some Avatar: The Last Airbender DVDs. That’s pretty cool. I guess I ought to go find the latest DVDs and see if it’s on the packaging, too. Over at TOR.com, website of one…
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Tellin’ Stories

Writing about Neil Gaiman’s Sandman the last few weeks has reminded me of how envious I am of him. Not in a BAD way, mind you. Rather, in the way that makes you more eager than ever to bust your ass and create things until the world sits up, takes notice, and says, “Okay, good. You can live your life doing this full time.” Here’s a guy who was allowed to create something that afforded him the ability to write pretty much any kind of story he wanted to write. Horror. Fantasy. Adventure. Mythology. Romance and historical and crime and drama and a hundred other things. This when he first broke into comics. When he was a totally unknown quantity. And he took it, and…
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Hey comic artists! Look here

So I’m putting together a comic anthology. I’ll be writing the whole thing and working with an array of artists to bring it all to life. There are already five artists on board, including some amazingly talented guys with published work to their name, and a handful of others “in talks” … but I’m looking for more. So if you can draw, and can work at a reasonable pace, and would like to see your work in print alongside some really dynamite artists, get in contact with me. Show me your stuff. Show me your sequential art. And we’ll get talking. Aiming for a summer release in a nice square-bound volume that aims to feature 10-12 stories of about 8 pages each. If you can…
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