Tag Archive: Writing

Stuff Every Husband Should Know reviews are in

Stuff Every Husband Should Know

While I enjoy receiving feedback on my work, both good and bad — criticism can be helpful — I don’t generally make it a point to seek out reviews. However, some reviews of Stuff Every Husband Should Know have been sent my way, so I thought I’d share them. Phillyburbs.com called it a “must-have guide” featuring “priceless practical wisdom that all wives hope their husbands possess.” Mom Central called it “the rulebook to the game that husbands have been playing for thousands of years.” A husband and wife duo from the Ledger-Enquirer bickered (playfully) over some of the tips in one chapter. And a quirky blogger said the book is “the perfect gift for the man new to wed or this upcoming Fathers Day.” My…
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My new book, STUFF EVERY HUSBAND SHOULD KNOW, is out today

I’ve blogged on and off about the project I tackled last spring, and am pleased to announce that my second book, Stuff Every Husband Should Know (Quirk Books 2011), is out in stores TODAY. Hooray! “Husband” is a fun, pocket-sized book that will make a great gift. It’s filled with all sorts of great stuff my wife wishes I actually did. 🙂 The book is available at Amazon (including a Kindle edition), Barnes & Noble (including a Nook edition), Target, Borders, Booksamillion, and fine bookstores and gift shops everywhere. Hey reddit!

WRITING: When authors have crazy meltdowns

I’ve posted before about authors having total meltdowns, temper tantrums, and tearing apart readers/reviewers. It’s just not a good practice. It’s petty, it makes you look insecure, and most of all it’s highly unprofessional. On Tuesday, my friend Chris brought this amateur author meltdown to my attention. It’s a doozy. The review wasn’t particularly harsh, praising the story but noting that the book was full of errors that distracted from the work. This is an all too common problem with self-published work. (Despite multiple sets of eyes and multiple edits, even Pitched did not escape without typos.) Push a book out without the benefit of an editor and proofreaders and this is to be expected. The author, however, one Jacqueline Howett, was having none of…
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WRITING: Some excellent blogs and resources

In a previous post I mentioned a few blogs and resources you should consider following if you’re interested not just in the craft of writing, but getting paid for it. ‘Cause doing something you love is nice, but getting paid for it is even nicer. Well, here are a few more. The Swivet is a mixed bag of odds and ends, but it always returns to writing. It first caught my attention with an excellent piece about self promotion that all aspiring writers ought to read, ESPECIALLY if you’re about to be or have just been published. Plenty of good advice in this blog. It also frequently returns to oft-asked questions such as how long your novel should be. It’s largely all about promoting itself,…
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And Eric’s next project is: Geek Wisdom

A little while back I hinted that I’d have a new project to announce. Well, consider this my announcement. I’m pleased to say that I’ll be one of the contributing authors on Quirk Books’ upcoming tome of awesomeness: Geek Wisdom: The Sacred Teachings of Nerd Culture Geek Wisdom is simple (and oh so cool). Take the best, most recognizable, most super awesomely geeky quotes from the world of geekdom — movies, books, comics, video games, music, television, science, Internet culture, and pop culture in general — and then use those quotes as launching points for us geeks wax poetic in a fun, smart, and entertaining way. Five authors, including our heroic editor, will be tag-teaming to make this incredibly fun project a reality. I’m very…
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