Tag Archive: Website

Bust my website, please

Spent a good portion of the other day fixing, tweaking, and redesigning my personal website. Please take a look and if anything looks out of place, broken, or otherwise awful, let me know by commenting here, on FaceBook or Twitter, or by emailing me. The kind of browser you’re running will be helpful, along with whatever didn’t work for you. Thanks.

A brief history of time

Well, my work PC kinda got borked on Friday, so I spent all day today running scan after scan after scan after scan. Think the problem is resolved. I blame … well, I blame someone who is not me. It wasn’t my fault. I swear it. Because things are rarely, if ever, my fault. Totally forgot to post this to my website after it was finished, so I’ll post it here instead. A month or two back I spent a few hours playing around with music by Stanley Lieber. He does moody, atmospheric ambient music I quite dig, so, in order to alleviate a boring Saturday afternoon, I decided to “remix” his latest, Visual Rhetoric. These are the results: 1) The Rhetoric of the Visually…
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“Well, I’m back”

I figure I ought to be doing this blogging thing. I started and stopped (and somewhere along the line lost several posts), and haven’t touched in it ages, and remembered I had it, and … and … Anyway, it’s far easier to update this than it is my website, so that’s what I’ll do. I’ll update this. Because it’s easier. And I am lazy. But I will still update my website with stuff. Just not as much. Because I am lazy. So the first thing you should do is to surf on over to the Weird Tales website and check out Recurring Dream: An Anniversary Re-Reading of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman. You should check it out because I wrote it. That link will take you to…
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