Tag Archive: stuff by Eric
Eric San Juan
February 6, 2025
For those who enjoy brief blasts of flash fiction, please enjoy my new work, “The Girl and the Dog,” now published in the excellent online magazine, 365 Tomorrows. It’s a (very) short piece, a scene more than a story, that puts you into a post-apocalyptic world. I hope you enjoy it. PS – The art at right is sourced on Pinterest via Deviant art (which is down for me right now, so I can’t confirm if it’s from this artist or this artist. I will update this as soon as I have confirmed credits and info.)
Eric San Juan
May 20, 2020
This was originally published all the way back in 2005, at DVD in My Pants. The following version does not include all of the photos taken (by me!) for the piece. The formatting may be wonky, too. I’m posting it mostly to keep it alive online. Two days of axes, gore and bloody stumps might sound terrifying, but for fans of the horror genre, it was just what the (mad) doctor ordered on September 24 and 25 in Secaucus, New Jersey. For two days genre fans gnawed at Fangoria’s Weekend of Horrors, where hundreds horror fans and a full slate of special guests offered up 48 hours of the mysterious, macabre and meaty. Read on as launches the first in a month-long celebration of all things horror….
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Eric San Juan
October 18, 2019
Sometimes I record drones. Sometimes I record songs. Sometimes I experiment with simple electronic compositions. So what if I blended it all together? That’s what I had in mind here. I wanted to capture the full band jam aspect of Slumbersigh and the drifting, moving, evolving drones of m2 with traditional backing instruments, enhanced with minor electronic stuff. Basically, I jammed with myself. (Dirty!) After a bunch of messing with the idea, some of which I’ll upload later this year, an unofficial journey with Carl Sagan developed. It is Beyond the Pale Blue Dot. This is the first track: The whole thing is four pieces of semi-structured drone, finishing with a piece unofficially co-created with Vangelis, along with Carl Sagan. There is a BONUS TRACK…
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