Tag Archive: Eric’s writing

My latest flash fiction has been published in 365 Tomorrows

For those who enjoy brief blasts of flash fiction, please enjoy my new work, “The Girl and the Dog,” now published in the excellent online magazine, 365 Tomorrows. It’s a (very) short piece, a scene more than a story, that puts you into a post-apocalyptic world. I hope you enjoy it. PS – The art at right is sourced on Pinterest via Deviant art (which is down for me right now, so I can’t confirm if it’s from this artist or this artist. I will update this as soon as I have confirmed credits and info.)

Read my Tales from the Crypt-inspired horror comic, “Some Time With the Family”

Many years back, I wanted to explore the idea of writing a bunch of different comic stories in a bunch of different styles with a bunch of different artists. The result was two comic anthologies, Pitched! and Pitched! Vol. 2. Across those two anthologies, a large array of talented collaborators and I did stories in varied genres, written and drawn in varied styles. It was a fantastic exercise and I’m forever grateful that so many talented people were willing to take the ride with me. One of those stories was “Some Time with the Family,” a tongue-in-cheek horror tale inspired by classic EC Comics like “Tales From the Crypt” (which is more widely known thanks to the HBO series it inspired). Drawn by Logan Reilly,…
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A Dream of Impossible People 007 (FICTION)

read part 1 – read part 6 Mortar shells. The chatter of gunfire. Pine branches whipped against my face, sugar sand kicking up behind me and bullets ripping through the foliage. The shouts came from behind, from left, from right. In this place of peace, there was only chaos. “Go, go, go!” And I ran, ran, ran. No, this wasn’t right. This wasn’t what this place was. I stopped running and the air stilled. I heard only the echo of gunfire now, from some far off time or place. Explosions like a whisper from yesterday. But there was no pursuit. No figures on a rise. No young soldiers with weapons of wood and imagination. There were only tires in the water that had been there…
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A Dream of Impossible People 006 (FICTION)

read part 1 – read part 5 A bottle of whiskey lay half-open on a counter somewhere, the counter in a void of gray mist. In the next room, a body swollen with gas, three days dead. Bruises kissed its waist. More bottles lay nearby. Further into the void, a hole in the Earth, endless, covered with rotting wood boards. One false step … A garbage bag filled with chemicals. Pine needles on fire. A kick in the night followed by tears. A groped breast in the back of an old car. A night in a basement filled with vomit. All of these things were true. He shook his head, willed the void away, willed the truth away, but the room and the stool and…
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A Dream of Impossible People 005 (FICTION)

read part 1 – read part 4 Air sucked back into the room. Sound returned. He could see; he could breath; he could speak. Where once sat the woman of skin and shadow was now a void, a cavern of flesh where the couch had been, its walls glistening with wetness. When he was two, his mother fell down the steps with him in her arms. Or maybe she threw him. The opening seemed to cast light and dark at once, the light easing his mind, the dark both drawing him in and repulsing him. He stepped forward. Forward again. Its walls quivered as he neared. He could hear the rush of blood within. When he was six, he was stung in the face by…
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