Tag Archive: Contributed Post

Robots Are Creating A Healthcare Nerdvana

Contributed Post Image source The idea of robots with sophisticated artificial intelligence taking over the world has been one that Hollywood directors and sci-fi writers have enjoyed exploring for years. However, the fictional aspects of this concept have been what has driven the genre, until now. Sure, there are major concerns regarding machines replacing humans in the workforce, a lot of which has already begun to happen from supermarket cashiers to telemarketers. But that doesn’t mean there are no benefits because there are. There are millions of benefits, and none more so than in healthcare, where robotics is mindblowing for anyone with even a small twitch of geekiness in them. Unbelievable Precision Is Now Possible There are no two ways to put this; surgery is…
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Teacher Supply Crisis Hits Schools

Contributed Post Link A recent report covered in the media suggests that recruitment targets for schools were missed for the last five years. The consequences for students trying to get an education are evident. With fewer teachers available, children won’t get the same level of information and attention as their predecessors. That could result in a generation of young people who struggle to gain university placements or find their way into well-paid jobs. Today, we’re going to take a quick look at just some of the reasons for that situation. Experts predict things will turn around during the next two years. However, there’s still a long way to go. Low annual salaries The average annual salary for a permanent teacher in the UK is somewhere…
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Turn Your Garden Into A Wildlife Haven

Contributed Post If you’re lucky enough to have a garden, one of your first priorities will probably be getting it to look great. But if you’re a nature lover, you may well be looking to attract different types of wildlife into your garden. If that’s the case, there are a few things you can do to encourage different species into your outdoor space. Photo Credit Colourful Planting Just because your garden is biodiverse, it doesn’t mean that it has to be untidy. Your regular lawn care services don’t have to go undone so you are left with a rugged garden wilderness. Instead, try introducing some colourful planting for pollinators so you can attract bees and butterflies. Choose some plants that flower between early spring and…
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Four Smart Garden Hacks For Easy Maintenance

Contributed Post Image Credit Having a beautiful, colorful, and healthy garden can take a significant amount of work. Some green-fingered types will happily spend every sunny day in their garden mowing, pruning, sowing and weeding, and of course, their hard work pays off. But it’s possible to have a beautiful garden without quite so much hard work, just follow these four hacks and see how much difference it makes to your garden.   Get the right tools for the job   You wouldn’t try to cut a pizza with nail scissors or mop the kitchen with a toothbrush, so don’t try to work your garden with the wrong equipment either. Having the right tools for the job can make all the difference between an arduous,…
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Best Strategies For Fighting A Traffic Ticket

While most of us manage to get through life without being involved in a GTA-style car chase, it’s pretty common for people to commit more minor traffic violations every once in a while, and get slapped with a costly ticket. If you’ve found yourself in this situation, and you’re not quite ready to go quietly, here are some proven strategies for fighting your traffic ticket… Challenge the Officer’s Subjective Decision From Wikimedia In a lot of states, with a lot of traffic tickets, it’s surprisingly easy to challenge a police officer’s view of the violation they picked you up for. This is particularly true when it comes to situations where the police have to make a subjective decision as to whether or not you violated…
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