Tag Archive: Contributed Post

Escaping Writer’s Block

Photo credit Writer’s block is a truly horrible thing, especially when you earn a living from your creativity. Unfortunately, the more it plays on your mind, the longer it will last. Therefore, finding ways to escape this situation in a fast and effective fashion should be top of the agenda. Whether you’ve just entered the slump or have been stuck in a rut for some time, these five ideas should serve you well. Keep Writing If you can’t get under, over, or around the wall, there’s only one option left. Break through it. Break away from your normal writing discipline to try songwriting, poetry, or fan fiction. It doesn’t matter that this is unlikely to be your best work. The main thing is that you’ll…
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The Development & Care Of A Passion You Adore

Contributed Post Pexels Building a passion is one of the most important efforts you can take part in. This goes for anyone, the world over. Getting better at a craft, no matter how humble, no matter how small can fulfill your life with joy. The word ‘discipline’ brings with it many troubling connotations. We think of ourselves being lauded over by a drill sergeant, or perhaps struggling to get out of bed in the morning. But discipline isn’t a bad thing. In fact, it can bring our lives plenty of joy and meaning. Having zero discipline is the thing that should worry us the most. A passion you adore needn’t be a hobby, or something overly complex. It might be your working career that functions…
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The Evolving Politics of Police Actions

Contributed Post Image source The first official American police force was established in 1751 in Philadelphia, although it was only a night watch. Prior to that it was pretty much a system based on old English laws and relied mainly on volunteers and people who were conscripted. In just a few years, Richmond in Virginia and Boston had followed suit but it was nearly 100 years before there was a police force established in New York. To start with, the police departments were controlled by the local politicians and split into the same municipal areas. The officers were usually recruited from within the area, which resulted in a police force that was not very diverse. It meant that ethnic groups such as the Irish or…
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The Internet Is A Gift To Your Music Career!

Contributed Post Image Source When you’re in your bedroom, writing and recording songs, it can often feel as though you’re doing it for no one but yourself. Sure, you might show things to the people in your life but the idea of your music being heard by thousands of people all around the world can feel so distant as to be almost impossible. And, for a long time, that was the case. For a long time if you didn’t have someone like a record label distributing your music then no one was ever going to be able to hear it. However, all of that has changed thanks to one thing: the internet. The internet has created an environment in which it really never has been easier…
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Turn Your Yard Into a More Enjoyable Space

Contributed Post Your yard should be an enjoyable space that you like using as often as possible. However, some people can feel that their outdoor space is more of a burden than they would like. They feel pressure to carry out the upkeep or might be unsure about how to use the space. If you feel like you don’t enjoy your yard as much as you could, there are few things you might do to make it better for you and your whole family to use. There’s no need to let all of that space go to waste. Here’s how you can do more with your yard so you can enjoy it more. Credit: Pxhere Create Different Zones Do you feel like you have too…
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