Tag Archive: anthology

Got it covered

So, Pitched! 2, right? Here is a not-yet-final mock up of the cover. It’s still a work in progress, but it’s fairly close to what the final cover will look like. This cover also contains information for those with discerning eyes; information that may assist in your excitement levels, or at the very least your knowledge of who is in the what and such like. I promise to post some fully lettered pages over the next two weeks so you can see nice words alongside the shiny pictures. Unfortunately, I can’t predict when Pitched! 2 will be available for purchase. We’re switching printers and I don’t yet know how quickly the new printer turns things around. It’s close to certain that it will be available…
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Pitched 2: So close, yet so far away

Pitched Vol 2

It’s the final few loose ends of a major project that are the most frustrating, not because they’re particularly difficult or troublesome, but because the finish line is right freakin’ there, just out of your reach, teasing you like the chicken nugget that slips from of your grasp and under the passenger side seat. I’m talking about Pitched! 2: Seven More Stories, which is the follow-up to my self-published comic anthology of 2009, Pitched!: Nine Stories. It is, I hope, an eclectic and entertaining batch of stories made 100 percent better by a talented bunch of artists and collaborators. The good news is, I’ll be sending the final pages to our printer in the super duper immediate future. The bad news is that it will…
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PREVIEW: Comic anthology, volume 2

A few weeks back I revealed the first preview page for my upcoming comic anthology, the second volume of Pitched. Well guess what, kids? Here’s another preview for you. Those of you who read “The Bugs Are All Right” in the first one might recognize the characters and artist… Click image for full-sized Click image for full-sized Big thanks to Lee Flowers for coming on board and doing the lettering. He designed that logo, too. I think it looks great. Once again you’re going to see a pretty diverse selection of stories and artists. The two previews I’ve posted so far are from folks who were involved in the first collection. Most of what is still to come will be all new. Hope you enjoy…
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FIRST GLIMPSE! Next self-published comic is in progress

Last month I announced that work on the second volume of my self-published comic anthologies was underway. I’m happy to bring you a bit of a tease: the opening page of a story done with Rick Lundeen called Voice of the Universe. We’re quite proud of it. Take a look: Click image for full-sized As with the first volume, I’ll be penning a diverse collection of stories in multiple genres and multiple styles, all of them brought to life by a talented array of artists. Some artists from the first will be returning, and a number of new names will also be taking part. It will be very exciting to bring this all together again and I look forward to previewing more stuff in the…
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My anthology is finally available!

Pitched Vol 1

PITCHED! IS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE! I’ve done a lot of blogging about it already, so by now you know the drill. I got together with 10 artists and wrote nine stories. Collected them into an anthology. Possibly the first of several volumes. And now it is available for purchase through this handy link. So needless to say, I’m pretty happy about that. Time to start Volume 2 …