Search Results for: music

Number of Results: 220

Music for Fiction Writing

Image Credit Music and fiction are closely related. Their dance reaches back to before the ancient Greek epics were constructed, to a time when words were first put to music. The mediums still inspire each other these days, so why not experiment with music for your fiction writing this winter?    Phillip Glass  If you’re part of the school that swears by instrumental music when you’re writing, it’s hard to see past Phillip Glass. Phillip Glass has a long history of creating poetic music that strikes a balance between classical composition and modern soundscapes. It’s perfect for writing.  Listening to Phillip Glass while you write your fiction not only gives your thinking mind something to do, thereby freeing up your imagination to deliver on the page;…
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How Does Music Influence Modern Culture?

(Image Source) Music has long been a fundamental element of society. The vast majority of people have music that they love, and this form of art has never been more accessible than it is today. In the past, music would influence the lives of people across the world in a range of different ways, but this has changed over the last few decades. Music is still able to influence modern culture, though the way that this manifests is different from how it was in the past. But how exactly has this changed? Let’s take a look at some of the different ways that today’s world is shaped by the music that people listen to. Business & Commercialism In the past, music was one of the…
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The Different Ways To Make Money From Music

Music is such an important aspect of life, and whether you like it as a hobby or want to make it a job, there are so many different things you can do to reap the advantages of music in your life. Running your own music events may sound a little risky to you, but if you really want to make a life in music, there are a lot of other things you can do. Image Sell your music If you wish to compose your own songs, the act of music promotion is really varied; you may advertise things through websites like SoundCloud, and at the very least have people subscribe to your music on YouTube. Granted, many people do not want to pay for music…
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6 Ways You Can Pursue A Career in Music

There is nothing more fulfilling than being able to pursue your passion and turn it into a career. In days gone, careers in the arts were often thought of as a waste of time or condemned to not being a valid profession. However, life is for living and being able to live your life, earn a living and do what you love is one of the best ways to live your life. Image Credit Pursuing your passion for music can lead you down many paths. While becoming a performer for many is the dream, it is more about being creative, and performing isn’t for them. Teacher Becoming a music teacher is a great way to help infuse your love for music into other people. From…
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How To Get More People Interested In Your Music As a musician, your passion is making sounds and letting your creativity flow in many different ways. You’ll enjoy the feeling of learning a musical instrument and then creating noises that blend together in order to satisfy yourself and those around you. If you simply dabble in the art, then you’ll be content with playing for yourself and yourself only while you have free time. If you take it a little more seriously, however, then you’ll probably imagine yourself playing in front of thousands of people in huge stadiums. You’ll probably purchase everything you can in order to produce songs and distribute them accordingly. One issue a lot of up-and-comers have is the ability to get their music heard by more and more people….
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