Musings from the basement...

Making the rounds in Baltimore

Pitched Vol 1

So I spent this past weekend in Baltimore, making the rounds at the Baltimore Comic Con. Despite not really being a comic convention guy — I don’t shop for old comics, get sketches from the artists, or any of that other fun stuff — I had a great time. That’s because I accomplished my two primary missions. The first was to spend time with some great people. I met with some buddies for a now traditional weekend and crazed fun, met up with many folks from IMWAN and elsewhere, and in the process wore myself ragged. I’ve already told all those folks how great it was, so I won’t repeat it here. The second mission was probably more important (though certainly not as fun). I…
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Photos Eric Took, aka Photography Post

Earlier in the year I shared some photos I took, ’cause that’s what blogs are for, right? If only because I’m kind of itchy to spend some time outdoors and take some more photos, especially now that the weather as cooled, I thought I’d share a few more. Click the images for much larger versions. This was taken in Treasure Island, Florida: This next one was taken at a Lakewood BlueClaws game. I’ve tried to give it obnoxious, arty names like “Man in field” and such, and then laughed at my stupid idea. And finally, “Waiting,” at Tampa International. So there you go. A few pictures. Seeing the excellent work of my extremely talented friend Keith Betterley makes me feel foolish posting these, but whatever….
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Revisiting an old music collaboration

It’s hard to believe that it’s been four years since I made this first blog post. It’s even harder to believe that it’s been four years since Tim Granda and I spent a few woozy Thursday nights at his apartment in Red Bank, NJ recording the music mentioned in that post. Sadly, while those sessions created some awesome memories and solidified a good friendship, musically all that resulted were a few rough sketch ideas and two semi-finished songs. I hoped to finished at least a third before we were through, “Keep It On,” heard here as two rough idea sketches, as I really liked how that one was coming together, but it was not to be. Tim fell in love and moved away, and that…
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Getting through those difficult chapters

Sometimes the words don’t come. It’s not a matter of not having ideas, it’s that the ideas won’t come out. You sit down, place your hands on the keyboard knowing you need to get something done … but nothing happens. You don’t have any words. I’ve had a few of these nights recently as I’ve tried to get back into the swing of things. Six weeks away from writing ended up being far too long. As I previously blogged, for me routine and momentum are absolutely vital in staying productive. Short breaks are fine, but those extended breaks can put a real damper on your ability to get back into a productive frame of mind. It doesn’t have to be that way, of course. With…
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Poll question for Hitchcock podcast

If you’re following the Alfred Hitchcock podcast I do with Jim McDevitt (and if you’re not, why not?), take a stroll over to the official blog of the Year of Hitchcock podcast and cast a vote in our new poll. If you’re not listening, now is a GREAT time to start. Jim and I will be sitting down this Saturday for a marathon recording session, during which we will discuss classics such as Rebecca, Suspicion, Shadow of a Doubt and Notorious for future episodes of the show. Feel free to leave us questions right here on this blog or on Facebook. We’ll read them on the air!