Musings from the basement...

The novel chugs along

Since vowing last Thursday that I would finish the first draft of my dystopian science fiction novel by the end of the year — a ridiculous vow, considering all else I’m juggling on a daily basis — I’ve averaged just at the maximum end of what I need to average to get it finished. In doing so, I’ve slammed out a couple of chapters, wrote my way through a three-chapter action set piece, and figured out a plot puzzle that had been vexing me. Wrote myself into a corner while I was at it, but I’m sure that will work itself out one way or another. I just have to keep writing and “discover” what happens. But it’s only been four days. That’s but a…
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My anthology is finally available!

Pitched Vol 1

PITCHED! IS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE! I’ve done a lot of blogging about it already, so by now you know the drill. I got together with 10 artists and wrote nine stories. Collected them into an anthology. Possibly the first of several volumes. And now it is available for purchase through this handy link. So needless to say, I’m pretty happy about that. Time to start Volume 2 …

GOAL: finish my novel by Dec. 31

Amid all these other projects, one of my goals this year was to finish the dystopian science fiction novel I’ve been working on. My progress has been unsteady, but it is moving forward. I’m roughly 25,000 words into it. But that’s not far enough. I need to get the first draft finished by the end of this year. That’s my personal goal. So I’m calling myself out. First draft finished before the end of the year. If I do not do that, I suck. That is my deadline. First draft, end of the year. Deadline. I am committed to doing this. It is my top priority. It seems like the end of the year is a while away, but it’s actually a pretty tight deadline….
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Making the rounds in Baltimore

Pitched Vol 1

So I spent this past weekend in Baltimore, making the rounds at the Baltimore Comic Con. Despite not really being a comic convention guy — I don’t shop for old comics, get sketches from the artists, or any of that other fun stuff — I had a great time. That’s because I accomplished my two primary missions. The first was to spend time with some great people. I met with some buddies for a now traditional weekend and crazed fun, met up with many folks from IMWAN and elsewhere, and in the process wore myself ragged. I’ve already told all those folks how great it was, so I won’t repeat it here. The second mission was probably more important (though certainly not as fun). I…
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Photos Eric Took, aka Photography Post

Earlier in the year I shared some photos I took, ’cause that’s what blogs are for, right? If only because I’m kind of itchy to spend some time outdoors and take some more photos, especially now that the weather as cooled, I thought I’d share a few more. Click the images for much larger versions. This was taken in Treasure Island, Florida: This next one was taken at a Lakewood BlueClaws game. I’ve tried to give it obnoxious, arty names like “Man in field” and such, and then laughed at my stupid idea. And finally, “Waiting,” at Tampa International. So there you go. A few pictures. Seeing the excellent work of my extremely talented friend Keith Betterley makes me feel foolish posting these, but whatever….
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