Musings from the basement...

The Unexpected Death Scene

So I’m writing last night, plugging away at my work in progress. Working on this major action sequence, a series of four or five brief chapters that (hopefully) string together like a Spielberg setpiece. Think the truck scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark meets Minority Report and you have the idea. And right in the middle of it, this character … he died. I didn’t expect him to die. Hadn’t included it in my outline. Hadn’t plotted for it. But he’s there and this situation arises and I realized as I was writing, “He’s not going to make it, is he?” And he died. I don’t regret the unexpected death. Turned out to be the ideal resolution to his story arc. The exact place…
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Bust my website, please

Spent a good portion of the other day fixing, tweaking, and redesigning my personal website. Please take a look and if anything looks out of place, broken, or otherwise awful, let me know by commenting here, on FaceBook or Twitter, or by emailing me. The kind of browser you’re running will be helpful, along with whatever didn’t work for you. Thanks.

Stuff for which I am thankful

We’re supposed to reflect today (though really we ought do that every day, don’t you think?), and so, as I wait for the family to get ready for our car ride to grandmother’s house — we will be going over a river, but won’t be near any woods — I thought I’d quickly do just that. I am, of course, thankful for a wonderful family who not only support me when I devote long hours in solitude to my creative projects, but who also make me proud by being the good, smart, and of course loving people they are. I couldn’t do any of what I do without them. And to my friends, who are probably more dear to me than they realize. I believe…
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Ueten ven hein! Schnell un blitzenberg!

Okay, I’ve got to link to this week’s episode of the Year of Hitchcock podcast, if only because I cracked myself up while editing it. The faux German shtick in the first few minutes of the Lifeboat episode were a bit of unexpected stupidity that had me howling when I listened to it a few weeks after recording. I had completely forgotten I did that. Moments like this are the reason why we do the podcast. Because it’s fun, and hopefully entertaining. We enjoyed writing the book of the same name and think it holds up quite nicely as a worthwhile addition to any film aficionado’s library, but the podcast is something different entirely. Stuff like this is why. Schnell un blitzenberg!

Book royalties, advances, and empty wallets

In a previous blog post I pointed out that authors do not make a lot of money. And that’s true. They don’t. The reality is that you DON’T simply write a book and watch the money start coming in. Not unless you hit a one-in-a-million publisher feeding frenzy for your book or accidentally write the next Harry Potter. Instead, you write a book that will eventually provide you with a modest amount of money — and “modest” may very well mean, “enough to finally get that tune-up you’ve been putting off” — then you do another, and another, and another, because if you don’t you’ll have to get a day job. Which is something most authors have, anyway. Literary agent Rachelle Gardner recently did a…
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