Musings from the basement...

BLOGGERS BEWARE: Green Cap Marketing, Aldwin Sturdivant, and the photo credit scam

Oh, the lengths scammers will go to. I received an email recently about a photo used on my site. Specifically, it was about a photo used in this article. The photo in question is this one, a photo from Wikimedia Commons which can freely be used, with proper attribution. The email came from the photographer, asking for a link back to his site. Here is the email, in full: Hi I hope you are the right person on this., I hope you’re doing well. I am very pleased to see that my creative work in is being used on this article found on your site: . It means a lot to me that you selected my work. I prefer that you keep the image on as…
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How Much Does It Cost To Publish A Book?

Contributed Post Pexels. CCO Licensed. You’ve written a book, but just how should you go about publishing it? And – more importantly if you’re on a tight budget – how much will it cost? The cost of publishing a book can vary a lot depending on the type of publishing route you take. Some people spend less than $500 publishing a book. Others spend up to $20,000. Traditional publishing vs Self-publishing Traditionally, the only way to publish a book was to go through a publishing company. Nowadays, more authors are choosing to self-publish their own works. There are pros and cons to each approach. Traditional publishing When you go through a traditional publisher, you generally don’t have to pay anything up front. In fact, in…
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My Frodo is the best buddy a guy could have

Frodo was just a few weeks old when he joined the family. He was the runt of his litter, a tiny tuxedo cat. My mother-in-law gifted him to us, for our son, even though I insisted no surprise pets. I pretended to be outraged. I wasn’t. Even today, I’ll still offer some mock outrage about it. Everyone knows it’s silly. I love him so much. Frodo liked to bite when he was young. He especially liked to bite my son. There didn’t seem to be much reason for it. We think he just didn’t like the competition for love. Once, my son was standing at the toilet doing what you do. Frodo strolled in, jumped up, and bit him on the ass. We all laughed….
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Here’s me being interviewed about GoodFellas and Raging Bull for TRT World’s Showcase

I recently sat down with TRT World, an international news outlet out of Turkey, to talk about two of Martin Scorsese’s landmark works, GoodFellas and Raging Bull as part of their Showcase series. Here is my interview: And here is the full episode, which is worth watching. They do a great job of diving into these topics: My book, The Films of Martin Scorsese: Gangsters, Greed, and Guilt, is due out September 20 of this year via Rowman & Littlefield. It is now available for pre-order. Learn more about it here.