Musings from the basement...

Thinking about doing some self-publishing, part 2

Yesterday I posted about self-publishing a local history book. Niche works like that are ideal candidates for self-publishing. An author with the will and skill can more effectively reach his or her target audience than a publisher, even a specialty publisher, and be more financially successful with it in the process. Yet that’s not what prompted me to start yesterday’s post, so let me pick up where I left off: I’m thinking of self-publishing some fiction. A short story collection or three. Digitally. My thought is, why not? These days print outlets for short fiction are few and far between. Most are already digital, and many are fly-by-night. Short story collections are generally only viable for established authors. While I’ll have a second book out…
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Thinking about doing some self-publishing, part 1

The world of self-publishing, especially in the digital realm, is an exciting one. Not for what it currently is, but for what it could be. There are some established authors who are doing well in self-publishing. So good, in fact, they hope to get the publishing rights back to some of their traditionally published books because they can make more money doing it on their own. Other established authors are getting together to do the same. In theory there is a very exciting future ahead for self-publishing, ebooks in particular. I say “in theory” because I also have some strong reservations about the self-publishing boom, but that’s a discussion for another time. Right now I just want to talk about my own foray into that…
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It’s been a while

So it’s been a little while. Hell, it’s been a long while, really. No, not THAT. I mean since I last wrote. The folks who know me know that in recent years I’ve tackled project after project after project. From the time I took on editor duties at the now defunct to this holiday season it’s been a relentless stream of projects. Four years of Books both published and pending. Anthologies. Articles. Freelance stuff. Music. And lots more. All while holding down a full-time job, trying to be a good family man, and attempting to have something resembling a social life. Shortly into the holidays, I finally hit the wall. Hard. I realized I had to take some time off. Since the completion of…
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BEER: Founder’s Breakfast Stout

OOPS! Sorry, readers, this post wasn’t meant to go live when it did. Most of my blog entries are written in advance and set to auto-post at a later date. Occasionally I’ll set down a rough draft with the intention of returning to it later. This post was exactly that, a mere skeleton of my intended rambling about a beloved beer, but I accidentally set it to auto post. And it did. And it’s here. It posted itself hours ago. You’ve already read it. So I’m letting it fly as is, despite the fact that it’s a batch of incomplete notes rather than a coherent post. Eh. So be it. Enjoy. Appearance – Thick, creamy, brown head and a deep, deep brown (nearly black) appearance….
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