Musings from the basement...

Pay it forward

I don’t normally use my blog for this sort of thing but felt like this was something I wanted to share: A little real life story about doing good things for other people. The story has been kicking around for a while now — in fact, this blog post was written back in December, I just never got around to pushing it live — but if you haven’t yet read it, I urge you to. It’s one of those beautiful real life stories that give you some faith in the inherent good in people.


Stuff Every Husband Should Know

A wonderful blog/website called Baby Budgeting is currently holding a contest to win an assortment of five great family books, including the latest from yours truly, Stuff Every Husband Should Know (Quirk Books, April 2011). You can read about the contest and learn how to enter at their website. (How to enter is at the bottom of the blog post.) The contest ends on Friday, so get over there and enter!

TELEVISION: The Walking Dead was overrated

I’m an unashamed geek and make no bones about it. I love geek stuff. Hell, I took part in co-writing a really great geek book. Proud to have my name attached to all things geek. But this needs to be said: AMC’s smash-hit television show The Walking Dead, while quite entertaining, was also highly, highly overrated by my geek brothers and sisters. Sorry, my geek brethren, but it’s true. We were so caught up in the thrill of getting something delightfully geeky that we elevated the show to a lofty status it has not yet earned. Now I’m not saying the show was bad. Far from it. I thought the casting was phenomenal, the writing was generally pretty good (though certainly not always), the acting…
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The Geeks: Stephen Segal

Geek Wisdom

So on Monday I announced my latest project. I also promised to introduce you to the four folks I’d be working alongside. You’ve met three. Last but not least in my countdown of co-geeks is our fearless leader. Multi-author projects don’t come together without someone leading the way. Geek Wisdom: The Sacred Teachings of Nerd Culture is no exception. Thankfully, we’ve got a preeeetty good editor and coauthor heading up this project: Stephen Segal, who I’ve mentioned before. Stephen isn’t just a Huge award-winning editor and a damn fine writer, he’s also a terrifically nice guy. But let’s stick to the first part. I’ve worked with him before and couldn’t be happier to have him leading this project. He’s a writer’s editor, but more importantly…
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The Geeks: N. K. Jemisin

Geek Wisdom

I get to work with some pretty cool people on Geek Wisdom. One of them is N. K. Jemisin. In addition to being pretty damn funny, N.K. (or Nora) is an accomplished author with some excellent work under her belt. Her first novel, The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, came out earlier this year. It’s the first part of a trilogy. Her work has also appeared in Clarkesworld, Strange Horizons, and a slew of other places, including some awesome anthologies. Oh, and this: She has been nominated for Hugo and Nebula awards. Hell yeah. Pretty damn spiffy, that. Go spend some time at her website. She’s got free fiction there. Enjoy. Geek Wisdom: The Sacred Teachings of Nerd Culture is due out August 2011. You can pre-order…
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