Musings from the basement...

WRITING: Nothing is ever truly done…

… even when it’s already in print. Over two years ago I did a series of posts called How I Got Published outlining the start-to-finish of how Jim McDevitt and I conceived of, wrote, and ultimately sold A Year of Hitchcock: 52 Weeks with the Master of Suspense. My hope was that those posts would help other writers understand what they might look forward to when their time comes. Consider this a follow-up on that series of posts. Readers of this blog may recall that not too long ago, I announced that A Year of Hitchcock is coming to paperback. That’s exciting news. This edition will target a wider market; with better bookstore distribution and a very attractive price, we should be able to reach…
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Husbandly news in the, errr … news

Here is a little piece about the ol’ Husband book that appeared in today’s Birmingham News. Check it out. Heck, ReTweet it, too. In more exciting news, I’m just days away from wrapping up final edits on the first draft of a science fiction novel. It’s an action-packed story set in a dystopian America of the near future. I still have a long way to go on it but hope to be feverishly writing the next draft by Memorial Day.

PLUG: The (In)Complete Adventures of Sir Chuck

The (In)Complete Adventures of Sir Chuck I’ve run in some comic book circles over the years, and that means I’ve gotten to know a lot of people who have done their own comics. Many of these folks are far too talented for their own good, annoyingly so, and their work deserves to be seen. One of them is John Mietus. John did some excellent lettering on Pitched 1 and Pitched 2, but the fact is his quirky sense of humor doesn’t come out and play until you see his own work. The (In)Complete Adventures of Sir Chuck is many things, including a tome showcasing the growth and development of a comic creator — it begins when he was first starting and finishes when he’s developed…
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No more beer on this blog

I’ve made a few posts about beer on this blog. I won’t be doing that any more. I didn’t begin this blog to talk about random bullshit, I began it to talk primarily about my latest projects, whether writing, music, or otherwise. But I’m not going to not talk about beer. At the moment I feel like writing about the subject. That’s why I started a new blog, Celebrating the Suds, which will be devoted entirely to beer. So give it a look. Subscribe. Follow it on Facebook. Yada yada yada. Cheers.