Musings from the basement...

Reading/signing event = fantastic!

Geek Wisdom

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Geek Wisdom reading/signing event on Friday. Stephen and I not only had a great time reading from the book, talking geekery, and geeking out ourselves for the standing-room-only crowd at The Raconteur, we met a load of enthusiastic and talented fellow geeks. There were far too many to name or remember, but I do want to plug a few. First there was Jason Grossman, who had his incredible art on display. Jason is young, driven, and very talented. I have a feeling we’ll be seeing his stuff in the future. There was also animator and illustrator Jimmy Harrigan, who has a nice portfolio that is worth your time. And then there was Megan Brennan, who has a…
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The Year of Hitchcock podcast is back!

After a long, fatigue-driven hiatus, Jim McDevitt and I finally got back behind the microphone two weekends ago and recorded all-new episodes of The Year of Hitchcock Podcast. We’re excited to say that we recorded enough episodes to release them every two weeks for the next few months. We’ll be discussing landmark films like Vertigo, The Birds, Psycho, and The Man Who Knew Too Much during this stretch of episodes. We initially began doing the podcast as a weekly companion to our book, A Year of Hitchcock (which will soon be available in softcover at a much lower price). Whereas the book is approachable but serious, accessible to casual fans but also worthwhile for Hitchcock aficionados, the podcasts quickly became looser, more casual, more irreverent,…
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Hey NJ people, Geek Wisdom event on Friday

Geek Wisdom

Stephen Segal, editor and coauthor of Geek Wisdom, and I will be at The Raconteur in Metuchen on Friday from 8 to 11 p.m. We’ll be discussing geekery, reading from the book, and juggling flaming hamsters. It will be a sight to see. The Raconteur is located at 431 Main Street in Metuchen, NJ. You can check out the event on Facebook. We’d love to see you there. Unless you’re a stalker or otherwise disturbed person who wants to skin us and wear our flesh, in which case the event has been moved to The Book Rodeo in Camden, NJ. See you there, crazy flesh-wearing person!

Geek Wisdom is out TODAY

This may not be the day when imposing alien spacecraft park themselves over every major city on Earth and bend the human race to its will, but it’s pretty close. Geek Wisdom is officially released today. Tremble in fear at the awesome geekery that will now become part of your life. Bask in its eternal glory. In all seriousness, I like this book and was honored to be one of the coauthors. Our great editor and coauthor, Stephen Segal, put together a fantastic team. I’m humbled to be part of it. I can confirm from my copies that it looks spectacular. It’s a spiffy hardcover with a great design and, of course, killer contents. I’m astounded Quirk Books were able to bring it out at…
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A little treat in the mail yesterday …

I came home from work yesterday to find a package at my door. A box. A wonderful little box. I peeled it open, as you do with boxes — a box can be labeled “Your Death Within” and you’d still open it; so would I — and found inside a treat. A wonderful little treat. It was this: Yes, that is Geek Wisdom, brainchild of award-winning editor Stephen Segal and a book to which I am proud to say I contributed. I and a team of other writers wrote some really great geek stuff, brief essays on video games and J.R.R. Tolkien and Star Wars and The Goonies and a million other great things — and now here it is! In a cool as hell…
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