Musings from the basement...

Hey writers, watch out for SCAMS

Fellow freelancers, keep your eyes peeled for seemingly legitimate offers by, an outfit which is NOT affiliated with The way it works is simple: Likely drawn from your resume being posted to various job sites (though you may also get them at random), you get an email offering steady writing work. It may look something like this: Job- copywriting Salary – $600 a week Duties – if you have knowledge and ambitions for writing articles on different topics you are just what the doctor ordered and you are welcome to our writers team. -Previous experience would be great but not a must. -If you have a broad outlook dont hesitate and give it a try. -We need articles of high quality and deadlines are to be followed. To launch…
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Goodbye, Ray Bradbury

I’m not much for mourning celebrity deaths. I generally don’t care that you were in a few movies or TV shows, or that you wrote some catchy song I haven’t heard in six years. Such passings are sad, but they have little impact on my life. But Ray Bradbury, who passed away this morning at the age of 91, was more than a mere celebrity author to me. He was a tremendous influence on me both growing up as well as in later years when I began to pursue writing more seriously; a man whose work informed me, inspired me, and solidified my long clung-to dream of being a writer. Bradbury was a special kind of wordsmith. Unlike most modern authors, he rarely dabbled in…
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Starting NOW, I will be putting my 13 years experience as an editor and writer to work with Your Awesome Editor, an independent editorial service that runs the gamut from proofreading to consultation to full-service assistance with self-publishing. I’ll be specializing in helping people who want to self-publish their own work, but will also be working with aspiring authors who want to break into the world of traditional publishing, too. That includes helping perfect their manuscripts, assistance with query letters and proposals, and more. Surf on over and take a look. You can also find us on Facebook (please throw us a “like”). Referrals are welcome and encouraged! If you have a friend or family member who could use the services of a professional editor, send them my way … and…
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Hey NJ people, on Tuesday come see my MURDER MYSTER DINNER show

On Tuesday, The Studio Stage in Whiting, NJ will be putting on a murder mystery dinner theater penned by yours truly. It will be the first in what I hope will be a series of shows … but there will only be more if these first performances are a success! To start, “Little Footsteps at Bramson Manor” will take you to a Victorian England country manor, where someone — or something — is killing of the guests. Dinner is included with this great show. Grab your tickets here. Hope to see you there!

FICTION: Blessed Life part 1 – Ambulance is Young

This story first appeared in The Berkeley Times and The Jackson Times as a 12-part serial way back in 2000-2001 — so yes, the writing here is pretty old. When I read it, I see tremendous room for improvement. It is older than I would normally show people largely because I’ve improved by leaps and bounds since writing this, but the full story (of which this is only the first part) has a special place in my heart. The story may be collected in a future collection of my fiction — I’m considering self-publishing a short story collection — but for now enjoy this glimpse into the story of two retired people coping with loss. BLESSED LIFE Part 1, Ambulance is Young   The ambulance…
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