Musings from the basement...

Bigfoot in New Jersey?

It goes without saying that I have an interest in the New Jersey lore and history. You don’t tackle a book like Lakehurst: Barrens, Blimps & Barons without a strong interest in what goes on off the beaten path here in the Garden State. I especially like the odd, offbeat stuff you’ll find in legendary local magazines like Weird NJ or in regional classics like The Jersey Devil (a book I’ve probably read four times). Folks outside the state only seem to know the stretch between New York and Newark airport, but those of us in the state know New Jersey has a healthy dose of weirdness. Which brings me to Bigfoot in the New Jersey ‘Burbs, a new book by William Taylor that delves…
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Win a FREE signed copy of GEEK WISDOM!

Geek Wisdom

Here’s a super easy way to win a signed copy of Geek Wisdom: The Sacred Teachings of Nerd Culture (Quirk Books 2011), a book the Florida Times Union said had a premise that was “nothing short of brilliant.” This book has been a huge hit among fans of all things science-fiction, comic book, fantasy, and just plain cool. So obviously you want to win one. And it’s easy. Do nothing more than surf over to Your Awesome Editor on Facebook and click “like” in the upper right to like the page. That’s it. It’s that easy. If you are not on Facebook and don’t want to be, instead share this link on Twitter and post a link in the comments of this post (and let…
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Some Time With The Family: A comic journey into horror

One of the great joys of working on Pitched! and Pitched! Vol. 2 (you can purchase them here and here, respectively) was having the opportunity to work with a wide range of people while delving into genres I don’t usually write. One of the highlights — and there were many — came when working on a horror story called “Some Time With the Family.” I don’t usually write horror, but I wanted to try my hand at it and had some folks in mind to help me bring a twisted little tale to life.  Artist Logan Reilly brought the story to the page. Inker James Pipik, who illustrated “The End of all Summers” from the first Pitched! anthology, gave Logan’s excellent pages weight with his…
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“Stuff Every Husband Should Know” Giveaway

Interested in a free copy of Stuff Every Husband Should Know, the book I wrote last year for Quirk Books? If so, surf on over to this website and take a gander. One copy is up for grabs at no cost other than an email. Hurry up before someone else snags it! And hey, why wouldn’t you want the book Guerrilla Geek called “a book not just for married men, or even committed men, but for all you single men out there who are wondering just what the hell you need to do to get a girl to stay with you for more than a week”? (You can check out their full review right here.) Good luck, and may the fastest emailer win.

Last thoughts on Bradbury’s passing

I have already posted about Ray Bradbury’s passing, but he had such a big impact on me as a reader and writer that I feel like I want to revisit his career’s influence one more time. He was just that important to what I aspired — and still aspire — to be. As my friend and collaborator Zaki Hasan said in his post on the subject, “the impact he had on my life, as a reader, a filmgoer, and a writer is hard to encapsulate.”   I discovered Bradbury pretty early, and he stuck with me all my life. I’d read most of his work several times, and even 30 years after I first read it, some of it just kills me every time. Dandelion Wine makes…
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