The Atari 2600, Axis & Allies, classic board games, and other Youtube shenanigans

I’ve been lax in posting recent Hours in the Attic videos because Reasons, so I figured the best way to alleviate my guilt would be to post several at once. Two are board game-related, which is always fun because board games rock, and the third is a bit of Atari 2600 nostalgia. So that’s swell. Check them out while I get back to pretending I’m a writer (and don’t forget to subscribe): This next one, I don’t know how Tig managed to salvage it, because I was just rambling without direction or focus. That’s what years worth of loving this game will do to you, I guess. Axis & Allies isn’t the deepest war game out there, but for me it’s the most fun. I still…
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