Musings from the basement...

Looking back at Neil Gaiman’s Sandman – part 2 of 11, Preludes and Nocturnes

Eight years ago, Stephen Segal, then creative director at the legendary Weird Tales magazine, asked if he could use some modest writings I had been doing on Neil Gaiman’s Sandman for a 20th anniversary retrospective he was putting together. Naturally, I said yes. Sadly, the series was lost in a website revamp. Not wanting it to disappear into the ether, I’m now presenting it on my site in 11 parts (alas, without the benefit of Stephen’s editing; these are pre-publication versions). Hope you enjoy. Recurring Dream: A 20th Anniversary Re-reading of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman Part 2 of 11, Preludes and Nocturnes Originally published on the Weird Tales website, January 2009 I would be exaggerating if I said I approached a reread of Sandman with trepidation….
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Looking back at Neil Gaiman’s Sandman 28 years later – part 1 of 11

Eight years ago, Stephen Segal, then creative director at the legendary Weird Tales magazine, asked if he could use some modest writings I had been doing on Neil Gaiman’s Sandman for a 20th anniversary retrospective he was putting together. Naturally, I said yes. What followed was a 11-part online series looking back at that remarkable body of work. The series wasn’t meant to be comprehensive or to uncover things you’d never seen before. Rather, it was meant to be a fun “rediscovery” of those now classic comics – so read these with that in mind. Weird Tales has undergone some changes over the years. Stephen is gone. They’ve faced some controversy. And their website was stripped down and rebuilt into a complete disaster. With it…
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Basking in the majesty of Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

Let’s talk about David Lean’s landmark epic Lawrence Of Arabia. By now, the film’s reputation is well established. Considered by many to be one of the greatest films of all time (it certainly ranks high on my personal list), in 1962 Lawrence Of Arabia garnered seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture. Peter O’Toole’s tortured performance is the stuff of legend, and its on-screen vistas have inspired filmmakers from Stephen Spielberg to Martin Scorsese to Peter Jackson. Even people who have never seen it at least know of its lofty reputation. But some classic films of yesteryear have a way of surviving on praise rather than lasting merit; people cite a film for greatness simply because you’re supposed to, others repeat what they’ve heard, and before long…
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How do I make a second edition of Breaking Down Breaking Bad worthwhile?

Breaking Down Breaking Bad

Back in late 2013, I decided to try an experiment: I decided I’d self-publish a book of television commentary on a show I was obsessed with at the time, Breaking Bad. The result was Breaking Down Breaking Bad. The idea was a culmination of several things coming together at once. I’d had over a decade in journalism and knew I could meet a deadline, and with the show coming to an end it looked like a great time to hit the world with something. I’d also been Editor in Chief for a website devoted to movie and TV criticism for a few years, so I’d been down the “critic” road before (though admittedly, it was never my jam; didn’t enjoy doing reviews then, don’t enjoy…
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5 Songs for your Lousy Christmas Weekend

Last year, I posted about the Top 5 Christmas Songs of All Time, and it’s a perfect list. There is no arguing with it. This year, I’m not going to do that. Instead, I’m just going to give you 5 cool Christmas songs to check out, especially if you aren’t one of those awful people who like to listen to Christmas music all the time (and if you are, what is wrong with you and can you have it removed?). So here. Do this one thing: Listen, and have a nice day thing event: 5) Run DMC – Christmas in Hollis Combination gimmick and genuine Christmas storytelling goodness from the part of town Christmas songs don’t usually talk about, do not deny the awesome. Santa will be mad…
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