Musings from the basement...

Looking back at Neil Gaiman’s Sandman – part 11 of 11, The Wake

Eight years ago, Stephen Segal, then creative director at the legendary Weird Tales magazine, asked if he could use some modest writings I had been doing on Neil Gaiman’s Sandman for a 20th anniversary retrospective he was putting together. Naturally, I said yes. Sadly, the series was lost in a website revamp. Not wanting it to disappear into the ether, I’m now presenting it on my site in 11 parts (alas, without the benefit of Stephen’s editing; these are pre-publication versions). Hope you enjoy. Recurring Dream: An Anniversary Re-reading of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman Part 11 of 11, The Wake Originally published on the Weird Tales website, January 2009 What is a wake but a time to remember and reflect? A wake is an ending. A closing of…
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Have You Binged Watched These? Four TV Shows That Changed America

Contributed Post Whether it’s watching Penny and Leonard finally declare their love for each other, seeing the suave Don Draper schmooze clients into historical advertising deals, or watching the cruel, underhanded Prince Joffrey finally get his comeuppance these are the shows that became so big they even changed the economy! House Of Cards Flickr Image: anntinomy During the latest airing of this tense, atmospheric political reboot we paid more attention to the goings-on at the fictional White House, so good it’s scary game-playing of husband and wife tag team Frank and Claire Underwood and the jaw-dropping twists and turns of the presidential leadership bid than real life politics. Grey haired Ex-American President and Democrat favourite Bill Clinton has stated that what you see in certain…
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Looking back at Neil Gaiman’s Sandman – part 10 of 11, The Kindly Ones

Eight years ago, Stephen Segal, then creative director at the legendary Weird Tales magazine, asked if he could use some modest writings I had been doing on Neil Gaiman’s Sandman for a 20th anniversary retrospective he was putting together. Naturally, I said yes. Sadly, the series was lost in a website revamp. Not wanting it to disappear into the ether, I’m now presenting it on my site in 11 parts (alas, without the benefit of Stephen’s editing; these are pre-publication versions). Hope you enjoy. Recurring Dream: An Anniversary Re-reading of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman Part 10 of 11, The Kindly Ones Originally published on the Weird Tales website, January 2009 We make choices. With those choices come consequences. Some unforeseen, some inevitable, some just, some unjust. The fates…
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Looking back at Neil Gaiman’s Sandman – part 9 of 11, World’s End

Eight years ago, Stephen Segal, then creative director at the legendary Weird Tales magazine, asked if he could use some modest writings I had been doing on Neil Gaiman’s Sandman for a 20th anniversary retrospective he was putting together. Naturally, I said yes. Sadly, the series was lost in a website revamp. Not wanting it to disappear into the ether, I’m now presenting it on my site in 11 parts (alas, without the benefit of Stephen’s editing; these are pre-publication versions). Hope you enjoy. Recurring Dream: An Anniversary Re-reading of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman Part 9 of 11, World’s End Originally published on the Weird Tales website, January 2009 Stories, storytelling and storytellers.  What is dreaming but an elaborate, unconscious means of storytelling, one in which we are…
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Looking back at Neil Gaiman’s Sandman – part 8 of 11, Brief Lives

Eight years ago, Stephen Segal, then creative director at the legendary Weird Tales magazine, asked if he could use some modest writings I had been doing on Neil Gaiman’s Sandman for a 20th anniversary retrospective he was putting together. Naturally, I said yes. Sadly, the series was lost in a website revamp. Not wanting it to disappear into the ether, I’m now presenting it on my site in 11 parts (alas, without the benefit of Stephen’s editing; these are pre-publication versions). Hope you enjoy. Recurring Dream: An Anniversary Re-reading of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman Part 8 of 11, Brief Lives Originally published on the Weird Tales website, January 2009 With all the gods and demons and twisted mythology of Sandman, it’s easy to forget how warm and inviting…
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