Musings from the basement...

Trying to unplug in a plugged-in world, day one

On January 1, I decided to unplug from social media for January (aside from the social media work I do). No more checking in on Facebook or Twitter or anywhere else. Just use the Internet as a tool rather than as a distraction. On the first day, I put together a rough mix for a lengthy music recording session I did over the holidays that may or may not turn into an m2 project, cobbled together rough but quite serviceable fan “movies” pieced together from Star Wars Rebels episodes, among other odds and ends. And obviously, I worked that whole time as well. It wasn’t groundbreaking stuff, but it was exactly what I had been missing: a chance to just sit down and be creative…
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My first new music for 2018: “Coming Up For Air,” by m2

This is the new m2 record, my ongoing music project focused on guitar soundscapes, drones, and dense ambiance. It’s outer space music. Music to write or meditate to. The sound of ocean waves and the moons of Jupiter; of machinery at the bottom of a canyon and of being 100 feet beneath the water. I almost dropped this in the autumn of 2017, but I ended up spending quite a bit of time fussing with the third track, removing it, putting it back, fussing with it some more. Ended up using a severely shortened version of it (about 4 minutes long compared to the original 9). It seems to work best this way. This record is meant to be more open and spacious than recent…
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Some video peeks at the ’90s podcast I do with Nerd Out With Me

I’m sure somewhere along the line I’ve mentioned that I do a weekly podcast with Tig Carson as part of the whole Nerd Out With Me thing. It’s fun. We go week-to-week talking about what was going on in specific months in the 1990s. Music, movies, games, news & current events, that sort of thing. You can check out the ’90s cast podcast <—here (lots of ways to subscribe, get it to your phone, download them, or stream them right from the site), or check out some abbreviated video versions below to get a taste for what we do. Hope you enjoy – and if you dig what we do, support us on Patreon!    

m2 – a burning orange sun you can’t forget

I recorded this in 2013 and 2014 right after I recorded Falling Back Into it, but I only pulled it together in 2016, and completely neglected to post it online until now. Think I just wasn’t sure about this one. I wanted to produce a positive m2 record, one that was somehow uplifting in its sprawling drones, and this didn’t fit the bill. Then life changed and I forgot to acknowledge it. But now it’s posted. This is the most recent collection of m2 music, though it’s NOT the latest m2 music. New material should be coming shortly, with a lot to follow in 2018. I have new material in the works that pushed the boundaries of what I’ve considered m2, plus a collection of…
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It’s three years and counting working for myself, and that’s amazing

Now entering four years. Should have posted something about this in October, but forgot to. In mid-October 2014, I quit my full-time job in marketing to start working for myself. It was a decision I had long pondered. A few years prior, my work situation has changed drastically and suddenly after 13 years with the same company, and while at the time I was blindsided, it was a good thing. Kicked me out of a rut. I had been deeply unhappy and seeking change, and suddenly change was forced on me. It was a blessing. Almost got caught in a new rut, but talked a lot with the Mrs., about goals, about ideas, about different ways to live. I remember the day I decided I…
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