Musings from the basement...

Time, time, can I get a few hours?

Too much to freakin’ do and not enough time to do it. Not that it isn’t my own fault. No one FORCES me to do this stuff. But I do it anyway because, you know, it’s fun. Or seems like fun. Or something. So anyway. Collaborating on an ambient music project with Daniel Davis of Carl Sagan’s Ghost. Go download some of his music. It’s damn spiffy, and I’m quite pleased to be working with him. We’ve a few tracks in progress (“Without Waking,” “Snow Queen’s Slumber”) that are sounding quite nice so far. If you want music to chill out to, this will be it. I’m also doing a remix of one of the tracks on his upcoming album. He doesn’t know it yet,…
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Taking the FaceBook plunge

You know, I’ve had no want, need, or desire to sign up for those big social media sites. They’ve been all the rage the last few years, so being the sort of knee-jerk, closed-minded guy I am, I decided I wanted no part of them. Well, that’s not entirely true. I used to work with this fella, Pete Chen. Great guy. I’d like to say hello. Oh, and Jeff Combs, too, a guy who seems to have fallen off the face of the Earth. But mostly, no. Keep them away, please. They’re like cell phones to me, or Aquaman. But also … sigh … also, I kinda sorta guess it’s a good thing to do these days, what with the networking possibilities and all. I…
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A Year of Hitchcock

A Year of Hitchcock

So hey, my buddy Jim and I wrote a book. We think it’s pretty good. You ought to buy it. It’s available for preorder at Amazon and a gajillion other retailers, and it officially set for release in April. This isn’t a self-publishing venture. The book is due out in April through Scarecrow Press, a notable publisher of scholarly tomes and the like. So hey, that’s pretty swell. We’re very happy. It’s funny, in the more than two years since we wrote it (we began in January 2006), we’ve come across at least three bloggers who were going to attempt the same thing, i.e. watching every Alfred Hitchcock film in a year and writing about each one. Two of them barely got started before their project…
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“Well, I’m back”

I figure I ought to be doing this blogging thing. I started and stopped (and somewhere along the line lost several posts), and haven’t touched in it ages, and remembered I had it, and … and … Anyway, it’s far easier to update this than it is my website, so that’s what I’ll do. I’ll update this. Because it’s easier. And I am lazy. But I will still update my website with stuff. Just not as much. Because I am lazy. So the first thing you should do is to surf on over to the Weird Tales website and check out Recurring Dream: An Anniversary Re-Reading of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman. You should check it out because I wrote it. That link will take you to…
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The way it tumbles

Hey, sometimes things don’t work out. In this case … well, things didn’t work out. We got a few tracks together, a few snatches of songs, but then there was this, and then there was that, and now it is not. No biggee. Like Corky said, life goes on. I finished up some solo music recently. Some X-Sweet. Some electronic experiments. Some other nonsense. And probably, one evening when I’m drunk, bored, and attention whoring, I’ll post some of it right here for all the world to delight in. Or, you know, not to.