Musings from the basement...

More anthology previews

Here is some more preview art from the upcoming comic anthology I’m writing. More preview art is available here. These excellent pencils were done by James Pipik for a 16-page story called “The End of all Summers“. NOTE: Click the images for a full-sized version. We’re finalizing some script details, and Jim is inking and lettering the pages. An example of what the semi-finished product might look like is below. That’s the first page of the story (minus title box). The artist is experimenting with greytones and such and there are still minor adjustments to make with the artwork, so even this remains a work in progress, but I think it hives you a sense of what this will look like. I think I speak…
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Sometimes they say yes (aka Eric “sells” a story)

It’s funny that I just recently blogged about rejection letters, because over the weekend I got the opposite of a rejection when Boston Literary Magazine accepted a story I wrote called “Storms”. It’s a short short delving into the mind of a soldier about to fight the Battle of the Somme. I look forward to being able to link to it so you folks can read it. You’d think after my long gap from blogging I’d have more to say, but no. No, I don’t. It’s been a busy, hectic time, but none of it worth talking about. I am now trying to fix my laptop, because without it my writing grinds to a halt. So there is that. Tomorrow I will post more preview…
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Rejection letters ain’t so bad

Rejection letters. If you’re a writer, aspiring writer, wannabe writer, whatever writer, you’re going to deal with them. I don’t care how good you think you are, you will. That’s just reality. But here’s the thing: They need not be painful. Not even a little. Rejection letters are many things, chief among them something no writer likes to get, but they are more than a necessary evil. They are a sign that you’re an active writer. Proof that you’re actually writing, not just talking about writing. I mean, let’s face it, how many so-called “writers” do you know who never actually write? For every person who puts pens to paper or fingers to keyboard, there are a dozen of these talkers, people who like the…
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Hey, I do others blogs, too

Just a reminder, I waste my time (and yours) with a few others blogs. At Taft is Reading I read and review comics and graphic novels, and at Shoegaze99 Music I archive my home-recorded music (which is also available on my website). I’ve recently made posts about the epic manga Akira and Alan Moore’s (writer of Watchmen) writing on Swamp Thing, as well as some fuzzy, lo-fi tunes done for an elaborate joke. You can follow these blogs on Facebook (and it would be awesome if you do). You can follow Taft Is Reading by joining my blog network at this link, you can get updates in Shoegaze99 Music at this link, and as always, the blog you’re reading right now can be followed at…
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