Musings from the basement...

My video game reviews have gone live

Not too long ago, I was asked to do some video game reviews for Havoc PC. Being the video game-loving writer that I am, naturally I said yes. Today I discovered that they’ve gone live. Here’s a preview of the first of three. I’ll post the others over the next few days: Prince of Persia Born on the PC, the Prince of Persia series first grew to popularity with punishing difficulty and maddeningly frustrating levels. After spawning some excellent imitators (Out of This World, Flashback), Prince of Persia: Sands of Time reinvented the franchise, earning raves for its precision gameplay and inventive levels. That trilogy ran its course, and so UbiSoft reboots the franchise here with the simply titled, Prince of Persia. Prince of Persia…
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Will I get a copy of the book next week?

A Year of Hitchcock

On April 28, A Year of Hitchcock: 52 Weeks with the Master of Suspense, the book I co-authored with Jim McDevitt, comes out. I have not yet seen a copy of it (though apparently it has been in the hands of at least one reviewer). Will I get a copy of it next week, prior to publication? I do not know. I also ordered a copy from Amazon – yes, I ordered a copy of my own book. Wouldn’t you? I’d like to get my copy so I can stick it on the shelf and pretend it serves as some degree of closure or something. It’s been very hard to throw myself fully into new projects when there remain niggling little things to do on…
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Character sketches from upcoming comic anthology

Last time I showed you some pencils from a story slated for my upcoming comic anthology. This time, some character sketches. These are concept sketches for a story co-created with Robert Clayton Cooke called “The Slugs Are All Right”. It’s a story about … well, I think the sketches give you an idea of where we’re going with this: This one is sure to be good, bizarre fun. Plans are for the anthology — a dozen stories in all by a dozen different artists, all written by yours truly — to be available for purchase this summer.

I said work in progress …

In my last anthology post I mentioned that the art you were seeing is a work in progress. But hey, no need to take my word for it. Here’s what arrived in my inbox just 24 hours after posted those past sample pages: The grayscale looks great, doesn’t it? Brings a nice sense of depth to the page. This anthology, featuring 12 stories I’ve written by 12 different artists, will be available this summer.

The really BORING part of having a book published

Counting down the weeks to the released of the book I co-authored with Jim McDevitt, A Year of Hitchcock, you’d think I’d be giddy with excitement. I mean, it’s just three weeks or so away, right? Any day now I might get my comp copy in the mail. How exciting! But the truth is, as I mention in How I Got Published, your obligation to your work does not end when the writing is over. When not working on other projects (such as my comic anthology), I’ve spent the better part of my personal working time the last week or so drafting and mailing letters to local libraries and book stores, calling to get the proper contact information, working on press releases, and other painfully…
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