Eric San Juan
December 3, 2017
Now entering four years. Should have posted something about this in October, but forgot to. In mid-October 2014, I quit my full-time job in marketing to start working for myself. It was a decision I had long pondered. A few years prior, my work situation has changed drastically and suddenly after 13 years with the same company, and while at the time I was blindsided, it was a good thing. Kicked me out of a rut. I had been deeply unhappy and seeking change, and suddenly change was forced on me. It was a blessing. Almost got caught in a new rut, but talked a lot with the Mrs., about goals, about ideas, about different ways to live. I remember the day I decided I…
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Eric San Juan
September 22, 2017
For those of you who don’t know, I’m under contract for my next book. Have been working on it since July-ish (though actually much longer). I’m wrapping up the first draft of chapter eight today, and if all goes well, I’ll have rough skeletons of the next two done by the end of the weekend. I am, so far, remaining on schedule – and I’d better be, since I’m under contract. It feels good. I just wish that feeling wasn’t so fleeting. Between my freelance work and social media work and podcasts and Youtube videos and managing a garden too big for my own good and everything else, it’s difficult to be as focused as I should be on this next book. And I DO…
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Eric San Juan
August 18, 2017
Contributed Post Credit: Whether you’re a blogger, novelist, or screenwriter, getting into the writing mood is often the hardest step of all. Every writer goes through stages where they feel uninspired or lacking in motivation, and it can result in very real problems. Lacking inspiration is different to having writer’s block, which I believe is just an excuse not to work. Rather than struggling for ideas, you simply cannot be bothered to get started on them. This can occur for many reasons. Whatever the source of those troubles might be, finding a way out of the slump is vital. Once you get into the meat of the project, you’ll have no problems racing towards the finishing line of that important first draft. Of course, reviews…
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Eric San Juan
August 18, 2017
Contributed Post Whether you write creatively, write for business or just write for fun – it never hurts to brush up on your skills. All writers should assess their writing from time to time to see if it could be better. Just like a chef uses ingredients to make a dish – your ingredients might all be there, but the method could need some work. Going back to basics is a great way to refresh your skills and help make you a better writer. Read on for some great tips on how to improve your writing. Read more If you want to become better at something, you should study it. That’s why writers should also be readers. Stephen King, in one of his many useful…
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Eric San Juan
July 28, 2017
In our current world, it seems like independent, hard work is rewarded. If you want to do something yourself, how do you do it? If you’re willing to pursue a passion project yourself, you’ll find success if you can nail your idea down, plan the project out well and carry it out to specification. However, creation is only one (rather small, in fact) aspect of independent work. No matter if your project is a comic book, a business, a book or a service – you’ll need to do a lot of hard work after you’ve poured your blood, sweat and tears into the creation of something – whatever that something is. It could be a podcast, a piece of journalism – anything. Think about it;…
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