Eric San Juan
June 25, 2010
Here’s a neat one for you. “Happily Ever After” is a humorous swashbuckling tale first conceived as a short story, then plotted for the first Pitched! anthology, then dropped only to be resurrected for the upcoming second installment. The talented Trevor Giberson dove into the art and captured the tone of the story perfectly. Below is a preview page of his art. The awesome John Mietus, who lettered stories like “The Homecoming of Carlos Ruiz” in the first volume, will only add to the fun. This script has been a trip to write; I look forward to folks getting a chance to read it. Click image for full-sized
Eric San Juan
June 23, 2010
We’re getting close to the finish line on the second volume of Pitched, my series of comic anthologies, so I thought I’d throw some more preview art out there. These are the first two pages of a story called “Some Time with the Family,” a horror story (obviously) penciled by Logan Reilly, inked by James Pipik (who did the art on “The End of All Summers” for the first volume of Pitched), and written by yours truly. Despite the art being unfinished, I think it looks quite nice, and so will you: Click image for full-sized Click image for full-sized
Eric San Juan
May 28, 2010
Headline says it all. The manuscript for my next book, a pocket book called Stuff Every Husband Should Know and scheduled for publication next spring by Quirk Books, has been finished and turned in to my awesome editor, Stephen Segal. This doesn’t mean my work is finished, of course. There will be more to do on the project. But the tough stuff is done. And that’s good. Now I set my sights on scripting my next comic anthology, which I have mentioned a few times before. Some great stuff is coming in from the artists involved, really exciting images that are bringing these stories to life in ways I hadn’t imagined. Can’t wait for people to see more. Further preview pages will be coming soon….
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Eric San Juan
May 8, 2010
Sometimes writing sucks. On some days every stroke of your pen or clack of your keyboard results in what can only charitably be described as crap. Crap. It happens. And on other days magic spills out of your keyboard, and even the roughest of rough drafts are close to final. Again, it happens. After a week or more of the former, today I am enjoying the latter. That’s not to say that every word I’m spinning is gold — it’s up to my editor on my current project to make that call — it’s to say that decent words are coming easily and without struggle. The process has been painless. The last week, though? Horrid. I had to drag every last phrase out of me,…
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Eric San Juan
May 3, 2010
A fellow Eric brought these links to my attention and I thought they were well worth sharing. There is a wealth of advice here, and while not all of it will be applicable to you, if your aim is to write you’ll want to read these and take 90 percent of ’em to heart. The Guardian first gives us Ten Rules For Writing Fiction, as offered by noteworthies like Neil Gaiman and Elmore Leonard. They followed it up with Ten More Rules, bringing folks like Michael Moorcock and ian Rankin into the fray. The vast majority of this advice is good, sound, reasonable, and damned difficult to learn. Take this stuff to heart NOW rather than learn it after years and years of slogging through…
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