Works by Eric
Eric San Juan
February 2, 2009
Some semi-random link stuff for Monday. Joe Valdez over at This Distracted Globe quoted me in his write-up of Hitchcock’s The Lady Vanishes. Thanks, Joe. The quote comes from my review of the Criterion Collection DVD release, which you can read here. Purchase the (awesome) DVD here. Over on the Bibliophile Stalker blog, there is a review/overview of the issue of Weird Tales in which my “commendable piece,” Whispers of the Old Hag, appeared. Thanks, Charles. The issue also has a listing at Locus Online. Speaking of listings, has listed A Year of Hitchcock with upcoming books on the History of Motion Pictures. Looks like we’re in some fine company. While we’re on A Year of Hitchcock, I found a good source for tracking…
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Eric San Juan
January 27, 2009
While checking the traffic stats on my website, I came across this unusual link. Surfed over to check it out. It’s a French website in which people post what music they’re listening to at the moment. And one of those fellas happened to be listening to one of my albums. Well hey, that’s pretty neat. Brought a smile to my face. I give the stuff away — it’s just a hobby, really — so it’s always a joy when someone discovers it and likes it. After all, I make it for me, so when other people dig it that’s a bonus. You can listen along at home, too. Here’s the record he was listening to, for your downloading, ear-splitting pleasure: m2 – the dialogue of…
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Eric San Juan
January 17, 2009
Jim, my co-author on A Year of Hitchcock: 52 Weeks with the Master of Suspense (Scarecrow Press, 2009), tells me that this deal at Borders is the best price so far. Enter promotional code IPL1255 at checkout and you’ll save 25%. We love this book, can’t wait for it to hit the streets, and we hope it does well enough that we can pull the price down on our follow-up (which is underway). Speaking of Hitchcock, the features on this new DVD set are amazing, but be wary of bum discs. Some of them won’t play in many DVD players. That stinks. Tomorrow Jim and I start recording Alfred Hitchcock podcasts. You have been warned.
Eric San Juan
January 15, 2009
The first record from Carl Sagan’s Ghost is out and ready for download. Go here to get it. It’s ambient music, very soothing stuff, the kind of think you put on and mellow out to. I’ll have an epic 23-minute remix of “Soldania” on an upcoming EP to accompany the album. Ideally, it will be good sleeping music. Yes, such a thing exists. I swear to god. Few things are better than laying in bed on a hot summer night, sweat clinging to your skin and the breeze touching you like some unseen lover, and Windy & Carl just kind of filling up the space around you. Not played too loud — always softly — only just enough to chase away my tinnitus. It’s not…
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Eric San Juan
January 7, 2009
So hey, my buddy Jim and I wrote a book. We think it’s pretty good. You ought to buy it. It’s available for preorder at Amazon and a gajillion other retailers, and it officially set for release in April. This isn’t a self-publishing venture. The book is due out in April through Scarecrow Press, a notable publisher of scholarly tomes and the like. So hey, that’s pretty swell. We’re very happy. It’s funny, in the more than two years since we wrote it (we began in January 2006), we’ve come across at least three bloggers who were going to attempt the same thing, i.e. watching every Alfred Hitchcock film in a year and writing about each one. Two of them barely got started before their project…
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