Works by Eric

Posts showcasing new books, articles, features, etc. by Eric

50-word fiction: The Machines

My Jersey journalist-in-arms John Saccenti put together a little 50-word fiction contest on Facebook. Had a few moments to spare and thought, why not? So, at exactly 50 words, here is my entry: THE MACHINES We forgot to unplug them. And so the Machines fell upon us while we slept, a storm of metal and gears filling the sky like so much angry cloud. With scraping and thunder and screaming and wheels, wheels, wheels, the Machines tore into us, and all were turned to meat. Fin

Got it covered

So, Pitched! 2, right? Here is a not-yet-final mock up of the cover. It’s still a work in progress, but it’s fairly close to what the final cover will look like. This cover also contains information for those with discerning eyes; information that may assist in your excitement levels, or at the very least your knowledge of who is in the what and such like. I promise to post some fully lettered pages over the next two weeks so you can see nice words alongside the shiny pictures. Unfortunately, I can’t predict when Pitched! 2 will be available for purchase. We’re switching printers and I don’t yet know how quickly the new printer turns things around. It’s close to certain that it will be available…
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Stuff Every Husband Should Know is on sale…

Stuff Every Husband Should Know

…April 5, 2011. So, like, mark your calendars and stuff. (Stuff is my upcoming book, set for release in Quirk Books’ pocket books series. To give you a sense of what it will be like, check out Stuff Every Man Should Know.) (And hey, I just realized that an early listing of Husband is up at Amazon. Check it out. No real info there yet, but that’s to be expected; it’s still very early in the process. The final manuscript was only just approved a few weeks ago.

Taking a stab at comic art

And cheating at it along the way. I drew all throughout my childhood, a sheet of not-to-be-blank-for-long paper perpetually in front of me and a pencil feverishly scritching away drawing maps, wars, and terrible comics. It probably wasn’t until the eighth grade and Jason Dixon, talented sonofabitch that he was, that I realized I couldn’t actually draw. Didn’t stop me from doing loads of really awful comics in high school, though. A few friends would make up our own goofy superhero comics and pass them out to one another. Mine tended to be tongue-in-cheek “homages” to popular characters, such as Clawman, who broke the fourth wall and acknowledged he was a Wolverine ripoff, or Buttman and Rectum, who … well, the less said about them,…
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PITCHED2: Ace Starstruck

Another art preview snagged from the upcoming second volume of Pitched, my series of comic anthologies. This one is the opening page of an Ace Starstruck story, a Buck Roger-meets-super-fun concept created by my buddy Frank Saxon. Frank asked if I’d like to write his characters. When I saw how fun they looked, I couldn’t say no. This is the opening page (unlettered, of course) of our story: Click image for full-sized