Works by Eric

Posts showcasing new books, articles, features, etc. by Eric

The Geeks: Zaki Hasan

Geek Wisdom

Yesterday you met Genevieve Valentine, one of the four folks I’ll be working alongside* on Geek Wisdom: The Sacred Teachings of Nerd Culture. Today it’s someone I knew (in the Internet sense of the term) prior to this project, unabashed geek and sometimes political commentator Zaki Hasan. Zaki knows his geek stuff. He teaches film, but if you ask me his real passion is in the nerdier (and thus cooler) end of the film spectrum. His commentary on geek films and pop culture is always engaging, and few people dissect a good comic book yarn like Zaki. I’ve enjoyed his online commentary for some time now and am very happy to be working with him. The Book of Geek is out next August and is…
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And Eric’s next project is: Geek Wisdom

A little while back I hinted that I’d have a new project to announce. Well, consider this my announcement. I’m pleased to say that I’ll be one of the contributing authors on Quirk Books’ upcoming tome of awesomeness: Geek Wisdom: The Sacred Teachings of Nerd Culture Geek Wisdom is simple (and oh so cool). Take the best, most recognizable, most super awesomely geeky quotes from the world of geekdom — movies, books, comics, video games, music, television, science, Internet culture, and pop culture in general — and then use those quotes as launching points for us geeks wax poetic in a fun, smart, and entertaining way. Five authors, including our heroic editor, will be tag-teaming to make this incredibly fun project a reality. I’m very…
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A Year of Hitchcock coming to paperback

Wasn’t sure when I could safely announce this, but since our publisher has done so I guess that means I can do so, too. This fall, A Year of Hitchcock: 52 Weeks with the Master of Suspense, is coming to paperback! Our publisher, Scarecrow Press, is listing it on their website with an October 28 release date and, most exciting of all, a $19.95 price point. That’s a damn nice price, and one likely to be even nicer once it hits online retailers like Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Even better, our editor informs us this edition will be targeting bookstores — which means a wider market than the largely academic readership at which the hardcover edition was aimed. Both my co-author, Jim McDevitt, and…
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You’ve been waiting. And the wait is over. PITCHED 2 IS NOW AVAILABLE! And even better, I’m proud to announce that all profits will go to the Hero Initiative! BUY IT NOW!!! via LULU via INDYPLANET ( (2016 update: no longer available here) via COMICSMONKEY! ( (2016 update: no longer available here) (I recommend purchasing through IndyPlanet, but all of the folks above will treat you well.)

Pitched! Vol. 1 is now available via

If you were interested in that little comics anthology I wrote last year (with the help of a slew of talented artists) but still hadn’t gotten around to getting a copy, good news. It’s now available via I’ve gotten my copy and can vouch for its quality. Nice, glossy cover, strong binding, and decent paper quality. I’ll be up front: happy as I was with the quality of the work ComiXpress did (and I was), I got some complaints about slow order fulfillment. Excellent quality on the product, but it’s true. A few orders were slow to be fulfilled. The Lulu version takes a slight slight (slight!) hit on paper quality, but trades it for a glossy cover, printed spine, and very fast delivery….
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