Contributed Posts

Robots Are Creating A Healthcare Nerdvana

Contributed Post Image source The idea of robots with sophisticated artificial intelligence taking over the world has been one that Hollywood directors and sci-fi writers have enjoyed exploring for years. However, the fictional aspects of this concept have been what has driven the genre, until now. Sure, there are major concerns regarding machines replacing humans in the workforce, a lot of which has already begun to happen from supermarket cashiers to telemarketers. But that doesn’t mean there are no benefits because there are. There are millions of benefits, and none more so than in healthcare, where robotics is mindblowing for anyone with even a small twitch of geekiness in them. Unbelievable Precision Is Now Possible There are no two ways to put this; surgery is…
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Teacher Supply Crisis Hits Schools

Contributed Post Link A recent report covered in the media suggests that recruitment targets for schools were missed for the last five years. The consequences for students trying to get an education are evident. With fewer teachers available, children won’t get the same level of information and attention as their predecessors. That could result in a generation of young people who struggle to gain university placements or find their way into well-paid jobs. Today, we’re going to take a quick look at just some of the reasons for that situation. Experts predict things will turn around during the next two years. However, there’s still a long way to go. Low annual salaries The average annual salary for a permanent teacher in the UK is somewhere…
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Best Strategies For Fighting A Traffic Ticket

While most of us manage to get through life without being involved in a GTA-style car chase, it’s pretty common for people to commit more minor traffic violations every once in a while, and get slapped with a costly ticket. If you’ve found yourself in this situation, and you’re not quite ready to go quietly, here are some proven strategies for fighting your traffic ticket… Challenge the Officer’s Subjective Decision From Wikimedia In a lot of states, with a lot of traffic tickets, it’s surprisingly easy to challenge a police officer’s view of the violation they picked you up for. This is particularly true when it comes to situations where the police have to make a subjective decision as to whether or not you violated…
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Why You’re Not Making Better Music

Contributed Post Now, we don’t want you contributing to the struggle of the soul that is being a creative. We spend enough time down on ourselves and our talents that we certainly don’t need any help doing that. What we might need help with, however, is finding the way out of that mire. Even if you never feel like you’re making good music, so long as you keep the below in mind, you will start to show improvements. The reception to your newer tracks should show that, too. Credit You don’t work at it If people aren’t taking your band seriously or they’re not taking your production seriously, it’s likely because they know that you don’t take it seriously. Sure, it’s easy to have the…
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4 Qualities Of Great Business Leaders

One of the things about owning a business is that you need to know how exactly to lead the people in your business towards greater and greater success. This is as important in the first five years as it is twenty years down the line. But it’s not just in your relation to your own people that it matters. You also need to be able to draw in great swathes of people to buy your products and use your services, and this takes a certain kind of personality. Fortunately, these personality traits are all things that you can easily and quickly take on board. In this post, we are going to look at some of the essential qualities of the best business leaders. How many…
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